Planning Your End of Lockdown Family Adventures

If you’re like most families, you probably used up a lot of your creativity trying to come up with ideas for things you could all enjoy during lockdown. Now the end is in sight and it could well be time to plan your end of lockdown adventures! If you’re feeling stuck on what to do, here are some tips and ideas that could help you to make the most of your newfound freedom. 

1. Make A Mood Board Together

Planning Your End of Lockdown Family Adventures 1
Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna from Pexels

A fun activity that can give you all ideas and help you get ready for what’s to come could make a mood board together. You can use cut-outs from magazines and newspapers, as well as pictures you find on Pinterest, to get ideas for what you’d all like to do. It could be something simple, like going to the beach, or it could be travelling to a brand new city and exploring all of the amazing museums, restaurants, and other sites. Make a list of things you’d like to do together and get excited. Looking forward to these activities can often feel just as good as doing them, so let yourself get excited! 

2. Consider Going On A Road Trip

Road trips can be a lot of fun, and you can do this in another country or home. It all depends on how much time you have, your budget, and how many steps you want to remember. If you can get your hands on a motorhome, you have a lot of flexibility regarding where you can go and what you can do. You could camp pretty much anywhere and enjoy all the British countryside has to offer! It also means continuing to keep ourselves safe as there will be minimal contact with other people unless you want to meet other campers and explorers on your trips. If you’re like most people and you can’t afford a motorhome, consider purchasing one of the many used cars out there right now. As long as it’s reliable, you should be able to pack it with everything you need and get going on your dream road trip. Just make sure you take the right safety precautions: 

  • Pack a first aid kit.
  • Ensure you have high vis clothing, torches, and anything else that could help you in an emergency.
  • Don’t forget the phone chargers, and write down important numbers. 
  • Plan your route so you know what to expect and check the weather. 

3. Go On Staycation

Alternatively, you could all go on a staycation. While we may travel abroad once restrictions are lifted, you may still have to jump through hoops, depending on where you want to go. Staycations are the perfect way to get away from it all without having to spend too much money or lose your peace of mind. There are likely all kinds of places you can visit nearby that you would never have considered otherwise! 

Don’t forget to start saving for your adventure fund now. The time will pass quickly, and you’ll be glad you have enough of a budget to really enjoy yourselves!

Planning Your End of Lockdown Family Adventures 2

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