Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom IS HERE!

If your little ones loved Norm of the North then they are in for a treat because our favourite Polar Bear is back in time for the February half term. As of Monday 18th February Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom will be available to buy on DVD in all major retailers (but if you can’t wait until then you can get it on Digital Download RIGHT NOW!)


Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom Norm, the newly crowned king of the North, travels to New York with his son to accept the keys to the city. But Norm goes from hero to villain when he’s framed for a crime he didn’t commit!! Whilst he is trying to uncover the real criminal, back in the Arctic a vicious bottled-water company has moved in and is starting to steal the ice.

Norm must rely on his friends, both old and new, to clear his good name and help save his kingdom in a thrilling winner-takes-all hockey match. He also learns some good lessons about leadership in this fun new film.

What did the boys think?

Last weekend the boys had a home day with Daddy whilst Lillie I had an appointment with the hairdressers and a big cake in Costa. They snuggled up under a blanket, with a bowl of popcorn and the curtains closed for an all-boys-movie-afternoon. Ollie and Albie said they could remember Norm of the North from the last movie and still thought he was really funny in this new instalment. Albie said that he didn’t think it was fair that Norm was accused of doing something he didn’t do but liked that his friends were there to help him out. Albie said that it’s important to look after your friends so I’m guessing the moral of the story was not lost on him.

Ollie said that he enjoyed the film and liked the animation but thought the story was a little bit ‘too silly to be true’ – this coming from the boy who lives for Marvel? He said that he loved the Ice Hockey matches as they reminded him of the matches we have watched at our local ice rink. Unfortunately Dad fell asleep but honestly, this is nothing new, Dad falls asleep at the majority of the films we watched.

Who is this film good for?

Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom

The film is aimed at the whole family but I think it will be the younger members who will get the most enjoyment out of it. Albie is 6 years old and has watched it a couple of times already which means he definitely liked it, he isn’t one for watching something multiple times unless it holds his interest. Ollie is 8 years old and enjoyed it the first time but hasn’t asked to watch it again. As I said above though, his favourite films tend to me Marvel or Star Wars so a very difficult kettle of fish to Norm of the North. It’s definitely a film for a chilled afternoon though so it will be getting an airing for us during half-term so Lillie and I can watch it too.

Key Information

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DVD Date: 18th February

Certificate: PG

Running Time: Approx 91 mins

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