A few weeks ago I was invited to attend a blog event at The National Space Centre in Leicester, unfortunately I couldn’t attend because I had a prior engagement with a Spa and a full body Hot Stone Massage but Daddy went in my place with Little Bean and Beanie Boy whilst Jelly Bean enjoyed some quality time with Nanna.
We have visited the National Space Centre a couple of times over the years with Curly who has always really enjoyed it. Once inside there are lots of activities to do to keep the younger explorers entertained and there are lots of pictures and texts to read for the older explorers.
The National Space Centre has 8 zones:
- The Rocket Tower
- Into Space
- Exploring The Universe
- The Plants
- Orbiting Earth
- Space Now
- Tranquillity Base
- Sir Patrick Moore Planetarium
Daddy said that the tiddlers were amazed by the “real rockets” and the satellites on display although I don’t think they could fully comprehend ‘space’ and the sheer size of it.
After enjoying a bit of hands-on experience with the activity stations and having a peek through the giant-sized telescope the tiddlers tried their hands at being ‘real spacemen’ and controlling their own spaceship. I LOVE this picture of Beanie Boy, it looks like something out of a children’s movie.
When introducing children to a museum/exploration type of setting they can easily become bored if there aren’t simple/fun things around to keep them amused. The Space Centre was great for having something around each corner to grab their attention and keep them moving.
Here are some more satellite/space-type pieces of machinery I think? Remember I didn’t go so I’m not too great with explanations . . .
I don’t know about you but I don’t think those suits or the seats look particularly comfortable and by the looks on the tiddlers faces they were worried that Daddy was going to make them wear them and they don’t think it’s a good idea??
To end their day at the National Space Centre they were invited to take their seats in the planetarium and watch a short film called “Back to the Moon for Good” which is a film created by the National Space Centre Creative Team and is narrated by voice of Buzz Lightyear star, Tim Allen telling of the $30 Million Google Lunar XPRIZE and the story of lunar exploration.
“The Google Lunar XPRIZE, the largest international incentive based prize of all time, aims to do something we haven’t done as humanity since 1973, safely land on the surface of the Moon. More than half of the world’s population has never had the opportunity to view a live transmission from the lunar surface. The Google Lunar XPRIZE aims to create a new “Apollo” moment for this generation and to spur continuous lunar exploration with $40 Million in incentive based prizes. In order to win this money, a private company must land safely on the surface of the Moon, travel 500 meters above, below, or on the Lunar surface, and send back two “Mooncasts” to Earth. Teams may also compete for Bonus Prizes such as exploring lunar artifacts or surviving the lunar night, and can be awarded prize money earlier by completing terrestrial or in-space milestones. All of this must be completed by December 31, 2015. The race is on!”
Daddy and the tiddlers said that they really enjoyed their day. We will definitely be going back as they grow up and become more able to retain information.
DISCLAIMER: Daddy and the tiddlers received complimentary entrance to the National Space Centre including lunch and a goodie bag. All words, images and opinions are our own and may not be copied without my permission. I have not been instructed what to write.