Today was a day of celebration – it was Hubby’s 39th birthday and it was my brother-in-law’s 38th birthday. As it turned out it was also International Sibling Day which was perfect bearing in mind we were spending the day with my sister and her family and my brother and his family. We spent the day at Paulton’s Park/Peppa Pig World and had a very enjoyable day.
Luckily for us the sun shone all day long, it wasn’t always hot but the heat came and went. Everyone had a fun day, the children played well together, the adults played well together and we really couldn’t have asked for more. We had no idea at all that it was International Sibling Day until looking on Facebook later in the evening but what could have been more apt bearing in mind that my sister lives in Wiltshire and my brother was living in Australia. This was only the second time that we had met and it was a quick stop-over before he and his family relocated to Norway. Sadly our other brother was still in Australia so he couldn’t share in our day but I know that we all thought of and spoke of him often.
Our day finished with a fun evening where we were joined by my siblings’ younger brother and his girlfriend, eating takeaway Curry, drinking beers/wine and generally kicking back and chilling out. A thoroughly enjoyable day!