Rather than sitting at home playing with toys this morning, Beanie Boy and I decided to stick our wellington boots on and go for a walk in search of puddles. Yesterday was miserable and wet and this morning didn’t look much better but we don’t care because we had warm coats and our boots which we fully intended to use!!

We had so much fun finding the biggest puddles we could and just jumping in them or throwing stones in to make a splash. Beanie Boy giggled his little head off until the realisation set in that actually one of the puddles had splashed right over the top of his boots and had soaked his trousers and socks, to which he exclaimed “urgh Mummy all wet now”. I did what any normal Mummy should do and just laughed and said “keep jumping then” so he did and the laughter began all over again.

On the way back we ran into a gentleman who had been out walking his dogs and he said that we looked like we had been having fun. Beanie Boy took a shine to his dog and wanted to stroke her so we asked the man and he said this was fine but did we want to come and feed his donkeys. I did hesitate for a moment until I looked up and saw the donkeys less than 100 yards away so the man ducked into his stable and came out with a couple of carrots so that Beanie Boy was able to feed them. Beanie Boy was over the moon when the donkeys were so keen to see him and he didn’t show any fear at feeding the donkeys which were great too. After chatting to the man he said that he looks after the donkeys through the winter and then in the summer they return to their owners on the coast for donkey rides on the beach but we have been invited back so that Little Bean and Beanie Boy can ride the donkeys at the weekend with Daddy whilst Mummy is at work.
Now just imagine if we had decided to stay cocooned in the warmth of the house this morning we wouldn’t have got to have all that fun AND met the lovely donkeys, Ripley and Dylan!! Why don’t you do something a little different from the norm and see new adventures you can have?! What was the last spontaneous thing you did?