Blowing away the cobwebs at Heartwood Forest

Heartwood Forest

Yesterday was one of my favourite days as far as the weather was concerned, the sun was shining, the sky was blue with hardly a cloud in the sky, the air was crisp and fresh so what better day could we have been invited along to attend a blog event at Heartwood Forest near St Albans.

Heartwood Forest

After the bout of bugs, migraines and maladies that have struck our family of late, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to blow away the cobwebs and grab as much fresh air as we possibly could. I shall tell you a little more about the actual event in a few days time but for now I just wanted to share with you some of the gorgeous photographs that I was able to take and to tell you a little bit about Heartwood Forest.

Heartwood Forest

If you are planning a visit to Heartwood Forest, be warned there are no public toilets within a 15 minute walk of the car park so don’t arrive like we did bursting to pop to the loo or you might just end up having an accident. At 30 weeks pregnant with a baby bouncing on your bladder the last thing you want to be doing is rushing around trying to find a public toilet let me tell you!!

Heartwood Forest

Once the toilet panic was sorted out thanks to the lovely Janette from The Woodland Trust, we were able to head off on our walk into the woods which couldn’t have been more beautiful thanks to the autumnal colours and the sun shining through the canopy above us. Little Bean and Beanie Boy LOVE the opportunity to don their wellington boots and had great fun kicking up the leaves and exploring through the trees. They listened intently as we were told about the different species of trees that could be found within Heartwood Forest and about how you can tell the age of a tree. At 2 and 4 years old I didn’t really expect them to take much of it on board so I had to swallow humble pie when later in the day Beanie Boy told me “get tummy ache Mummy” when he heard Little Bean pointing out some berries on a bush and then Little Bean declaring that “Heartwood Forest got it’s name from the heart shape of the leaves on the lime trees Mummy and the leaves feel all soft and furry”. It turns out that they had their listening ears turned up to full capacity so shame on Mummy for ever doubting them!!

Heartwood Forest

The Woodland Trust bought Heartwood Forest in 2008 and today it is a widely used area of wildflower meadows, ancient woodland, an orchard and freshly planted trees which have all been planted by volunteers. Heartwood Forest is an ongoing project with plans to add more trees, plants and flowers as well as the hope that new birds, mammals and insects will choose Heartwood Forest as their home as work there continues.

Heartwood Forest

Throughout the year there are events planned which anyone can join in including willow weaving, woodland art, guided walks, orienteering, teddy bears’ picnics, bug-hunting adventures and more. To get involved visit or call 0800 026 9650 or to find out more about what’s happening at Heartwood Forest check out their events calendar at

If you want to just drop by for a visit Heartwood Forest is located either side of the B651 between the villages of Sandridge and Wheathampstead.

The towns and cities of St Albans, Welwyn, Hatfield, Stevenage and Luton are in close proximity and London is just 25 minutes away by train. Why not pay a visit I am sure that you will not be disappointed, Little Bean has already asked me this morning when we can go back again!!

DISCLAIMER: I have received no payment for this post. All words and images are my own and may not be copied without my permission.

2 thoughts on “Blowing away the cobwebs at Heartwood Forest”

  1. Hey, that looks fab! Great photos too, as always. We go somewhere near that location when my brother is in panto later this year, so we may well pay it a visit if the weather is right in December . . . fingers crossed x

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