Business Summer Checklist – 7 tips to be ready

Summer will be here before you know it. In fact, the Met Office is already talking of more heatwaves to come before schools break up. This means now the perfect time to get ahead with the business summer checklist to ensure you are ahead with important tasks before the heat turns up and the customers start flocking through your doors.


Business Summer Checklist - 7 tips to be ready

Whether your business is a commercial store or has refrigeration on-site for staff use, now is the time to ensure that your unit is fit for purpose. Once the heat starts rising, you’ll be filling it with cold drinks, and ice pops so you don’t want it breaking down and spoiling those much-needed treats. Hire a commercial refrigeration repair company to service your unit and give you peace of mind.


Get your brand into your customer’s mind before the Summer hits so that they know exactly who they are going to turn to. Plan your advertising strategy to hit that sweet spot ahead of time and get those customers pouring through your doors. Think about ordering in flyers, posters and mailshots before the printers get too busy and plan all those social media posts so you can hit the ground running.

Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

Let’s face it, not everyone loves their job, but that can be multiplied in the Summer when you have to work in a hot and stuffy building. It makes you feel tired, irritable and downright miserable, so if you want to have happier staff, this Summer calls out the air conditioning experts and helps everyone keep their cool.


Summer is often when staffing levels drop, with families taking their annual holidays or teenagers going home from university for the Summer. Now is the time that many Year 11 students and those coming home from Uni will start looking for a Summer job, so get in mind who you need, what you are prepared to pay and how long you will need them for so you get the pick of the bunch early.

Stock Levels

Macbook Air with coin stacks

Play your cards right, and the Summer has the potential to keep your cash register ringing and your Bank Manager happy, so planning is key. Make a list of what your customers are most likely to be looking for, what you are running low on and get those orders in.

Evaluate Last Year

Some people say ‘never look back’, but looking back can help you from making the same mistakes again when it comes to business. What worked well last year? Could it be improved? Could you reduce your expenses anywhere along the way whilst still improving what you have to offer.

Check out the competition

Find out whether any of your competitors are planning a big summer sale or special offers. You don’t want to miss out and let them steal the business from under your nose. You may just need to adjust your strategy slightly to help you keep the edge.

7 things businesses need to check ahead of summer

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