There are different meanings and significances attached to a floral bouquet of Roses. For your Flower Delivery on romantic occasions and events, you can send this large bouquet based on the colour you want or on the colour that best conveys your sentiments. Little Flower Hut has a variety of designs for the bouquet made from a single colour or a combination of colours. Based on colours, here is a list of the colours of roses;
Red Roses

When it comes to romance and charm, the roses hand bouquet will never fail you. This is a perfect gift to send on Valentine’s Day, Anniversary, and even on Mother’s Day to express your sincere love that is meant until forever. With online florist that you can access for 24 hours and make it easy to send this bouquet is never a problem.
Pink Roses
Pink Roses in stems and arranged in a stylish floral bouquet is indeed captivating. You can send your mother this floral bouquet to express the message of respect full of sweet love. With a flower arrangement elegantly handcrafted by the Little Flower Hut, there is no better way to captivate the heart of your mum than a Pink Roses bouquet.
White Roses

The classic white Roses in stems are beautiful as ever. This is a lovely bouquet to signify purity, sincerity, and loyalty. A mother’s day flower of white Roses can be a perfect gift on Mother’s Day, you can also send one for your wife and one for your mother as a sign or symbol of honour and reverence.
Blue Roses
Blue Roses in 99 pieces wrapped beautifully in paper or plastic wrapper, are perfect if you meant to express majestic immortality. Some blue Roses are in a lighter shade and when they are arranged in a 99-stem bouquet, it can also mean mysterious love or glorious love.
Lilac/ Purple/ Violet Roses

The enchanting colour of lilac, purple, and violet is perfect for a very enchanting bouquet. If you want to express your thoughts and emotions through stunning flowers, this huge bouquet will surely capture your heart.
No matter what occasion she is celebrating, sending her a Flower Delivery fabulous as this Roses bouquet will definitely turn any occasion into a romantic and meaningful celebration.