If you’re getting to a stage where you want to take your fitness level but don’t know where to start then don’t worry, you have come to the right place. Once you have a steady routine in place it can be hard to know how to take it to the next level, especially if you’re a beginner or someone who has become set in their ways. The reality is, there are actually lots of different ways to push yourself. With that in mind, here are 10 ways to take your fitness to the next level:
Establish A Meal Plan That Works For You

One of the best ways to help improve the level of fitness you’re at is to think about the food that you’re eating. If you’re currently working out and not on a meal plan, considering changing that could change the ease of workouts and the level in which you can work. Whether it’s switching to a macro diet or focusing on carb-loading, you need to ensure you’re finding the right plan for you and your lifestyle.
Plan All Of Your Snacks In Advance
Similarly to the above, you need to ensure you’re planning your snacks in advance. Whilst this may be as part of your meal plan, being caught short could mean you end up choosing something that could be detrimental to all of your progress. Of course, it’s okay to have the odd treat, but having an unexpected treat every single day won’t work. Make sure you’re packing things like fruit, peanut butter, cereal bars and yoghurts to keep you going throughout the day. If you fancy something sweet, pack a small bar of dark chocolate.
Up The Number Of Hours Or Days, You’re Working Out Each Week
If you have reached a stage where you’re feeling very comfortable with the amount of exercise you’re doing each day, consider upping the number of hours you’re exercising each week. Whilst it doesn’t have to be by a large amount, to begin with, slowly increasing the amount of time you’re spending working out each week can really help take your fitness to the next level. If you’re already working out a considerable amount, consider the amount of time you’re spending on high impact activities. If you’re worried about spending more time out of the house, you could buy a piece of equipment to use at home like the Hydrow from Dynasystech. You won’t be tempted to make excuses about the weather, and you won’t have to worry if another lockdown looms.
Set Yourself Weekly Goals And Personal Bests
One of the best ways to really take your fitness to the next level is to set yourself goals and personal bests. If you’re an incredibly competitive person, doing something like this will really help motivate you to improve your personal bests each and every time. Setting yourself goals that you want to achieve will give you a stepping stone to tracking progress, and will allow you to see where you need to work harder, especially if you’re not reaching goals on a regular basis. For tips and tricks when it comes to setting fitness goals, you can visit this guide here.
Keep Track Of Everything On An App
If you find it hard to keep track of your goals and progress, there are lots of different apps you can use that will help like the ResultsWellnessLifestyle app which offers 7 days free so you can try it first.
Whether it’s tracking your calories or tracking your workouts, having the information easily accessible from your phone will help you see where you need to make progress. You will start to notice patterns and from that, be able to devise the best possible plan you can in order to reach your goals. In some cases, apps will be able to pick up on your patterns and create the perfect plan for you.
Ask Someone To Be Your ‘Buddy’
If you think you’re more likely to be motivated if you’re working alongside someone who will motivate you, you may want to ask someone to be your exercise buddy. Whether it’s someone you met at the gym, a family member or one of your friends – you need to work with someone who you know is going to push your boundaries. This could be through competitiveness, their motivational attitude or simply through their own skills when it comes to training, either way, you need to ensure they make you want to better yourself each and every time.
Hire A Personal Trainer For That Extra Push
If you need an extra push and you’ve tried every other method you can think of, you may need to consider hiring a personal trainer. Not only will they be able to help you set goals, but they’ll also be able to help you work out exactly how you’re going to get there. This means coming up with a daily routine, a solid exercise plan and a meal plan too. Whilst they may not be the cheapest option, they’re definitely worth the money you pay. For more information about hiring a personal trainer, you can visit this site here.
Take Part In A Monthly Challenge
When it comes to working out, there are lots of different monthly challenges you can get involved in, no matter what level you’re at. Whether it’s increasing the amount of weight you can lift or increasing the squats that you do, each challenge is designed to test your strength and endurance. The first few days start off nice and easy but by the time you reach day 30, you will really be testing the level at which you work out.
The reason why powerlifting has weight classes is to create a level playing field for all athletes. Different people naturally have different body types and sizes. So, having powerlifting weight classes, ensures that everyone has an equal chance to compete and be successful in the sport.
Consider Offering Classes In Your Area Of Expertise
If you’re at a high level of fitness and you feel as though there’s nowhere else to go in order to progress, why not consider offering classes in your area of expertise? Whether it’s becoming a personal trainer of offering yoga classes in the evening, you can share your skills and knowledge with other people who feel they need help. For more information on learning how to become a personal trainer, you can visit the OriGym E-learning PT course here.
Go On A Fitness Retreat
Are you looking to take your fitness to the next level in a short space of time? Why not consider a fitness retreat? Where you attend one in your home country or you go further afield, a fitness retreat is a great way to really focus and work out what it is you want. You will be able to work with professionals who will get to the root of your goals, working out the best possible plan for you. The week-long retreat will test you, put you through your paces and work out exactly what it is you need moving forward. Again, it’s not expensive but it is definitely worth it.
Are you looking to improve your fitness level? What changes can you make to your lifestyle? Let me know in the comments section below.
It’s going to be a physical and mental exercise, and you need to prepare. Visit your doctor for a physical checkup, pack your training gear, learn techniques to help your body heal and recover, eat right, meditate, sleep, and wake up early. This fitness retreat may as well be your ticket to a lifelong journey toward healthy living.