3 Tips for Building Self-Confidence and Wealth by Aron Govil

Mummy Matters is proud to present guest writer Lenny Kotz.

Lenny Kotz is an accomplished business broker in the New York City area who specializes in licensing, financing and all facets of deal-making. He has worked with restaurants, bars, clubs and cafes with great success in the past few years.

For the past 14 years, he has been a successful sales agent for over 100 prominent luxury and lifestyle brands. He is also a serial entrepreneur and is currently active in several ventures including real estate investing, branding and media marketing.

Many of us can name specific times when we experienced doubt about our abilities to maintain success in either our professional or personal lives. The good news is that self-doubt doesn’t have to be permanent! With a few simple steps, you can increase your confidence in yourself and the decisions you make every day.

Here are three tips for building self-confidence: Aron Govil

Building Self-Confidence and Wealth

1. Stay positive

Every decision you make in life has an effect on the overall direction of your career or business, so it’s important to surround yourself with people who will build you up rather than tear you down. When someone says something negative about your choices, politely excuse yourself and walk away.

2. Implement positive habits

When you consistently practise positive thinking and healthy living, you will begin to notice a difference in the way that you view and approach life. Your self-confidence will increase naturally with your efforts.

3. Don’t compare yourself to others

Comparing what you have to someone else’s is a surefire way to make yourself feel like less of a person. Focus on feeling good about who you are instead of constantly trying to be something or someone that you’re not; we all come from different walks of life and we’re all unique in our own ways – embrace it!   Funds Helping Fight For The Cure: Blood: $0 Heart: $5,000,000 Courage: Priceless.


What is your company/organization’s mission? 

The Company’s aim is to produce a documentary about America’s homeless epidemic and the various ways one can help. What programs or initiatives does your organization undertake to accomplish this goal? To start, we are focusing on our Crowdfunding Campaign, which will feature profiles of some of the people who are facing homelessness in their life.

How many years has your organization been in operation?

Our Company was registered back in 2012, but I ran into funding issues that prevented me from starting any projects until 2014 (where I would like to rebrand my company).

How does your organization differ from other charities or-profit groups serving a similar demographic?

The Company’s aim is to produce a documentary about America’s homeless epidemic and the various ways one can help. What programs or initiatives does your organization undertake to accomplish this goal? We plan on attracting both celebrities and average Joes alike in order to create a big buzz for this cause. How many years has your organization been in operation? Our Company was registered back in 2012, but I ran into funding issues that prevented me from starting any projects until 2014 (where I would like to rebrand my company). How does your organization differ from other charities or-profit groups serving a similar demographic? While most organizations focus on either building shelters and/or raising funds (without the necessary follow-up), we want people to realize just how many non-profit organizations there are and what they can do to help. We want to be the leaders in America’s Homeless Epidemic and we need your support, otherwise, we will continue raising awareness about homelessness without actually doing anything… until we can’t anymore!

Why is your organization seeking $5,000?  

We need this money for promotional purposes only (a vast majority of the funds raised will go towards our film crew). Many of our potential donors aren’t familiar with us, so we need to spread the word before everyone jumps on board. As of right now, our campaign has already been mentioned by several online blogs and news websites.

Conclusion by Aron Govil:  

The Company’s aim is to produce a documentary about America’s homeless epidemic and the various ways one can help.

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