10 Proven Strategies to Help Children Beat the Back to School Blues

The end of summer break can be a challenging time for kids as they transition back to school after weeks of carefree fun. The back to school blues are a common experience for children, but as parents and caregivers, we can help them easily navigate this transition. In this article, we’ll explore ten proven strategies to help children beat the back to school blues while keeping their academic performance on track.

1. Establish a Consistent Routine

Back to School Blues

One of the most effective ways to ease the back to school transition is to reintroduce routines gradually. Start by setting regular bedtime and wake-up times a week or two before school begins. This will help children adjust to their school schedule and get enough rest for optimal focus and energy during the day.

2. Create a Positive Learning Environment

Make sure your child’s study space is comfortable and well-organised. Encourage them to personalise it with artwork or decorations. A clutter-free, dedicated study area can help them feel more motivated and focused on their schoolwork.

3. Discuss Feelings and Expectations

discuss feelings

Have an open and honest conversation with your child about their feelings regarding returning to school. Address any concerns or fears they may have. Assure them it’s normal to feel a little anxious, and you’re there to support them.

4. Plan Fun Activities

Plan enjoyable activities during the first few weeks of school to alleviate the back to school blues. This can include weekend outings, game nights, or special treats after a successful day at school. Creating positive associations with school days can boost your child’s enthusiasm.

5. Organise School Supplies Together

Take your child shopping for school supplies and involve them in selecting items they like. This can create a sense of excitement about using their new supplies and preparing for the school year ahead.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Help your child set achievable goals for the school year. Encourage them to think about what they want to accomplish academically and personally. Having goals can motivate them and provide a sense of purpose.

7. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Healthy diet

Proper nutrition is crucial to a child’s overall well-being and academic performance. Ensure they have a balanced diet with nutritious meals and snacks. Avoid excessive sugary or processed foods, as they can negatively affect energy levels and concentration.

8. Encourage Social Connections

Support your child in maintaining friendships or making new ones. Arrange playdates or social gatherings to help them reconnect with schoolmates and build positive social relationships.

9. Stay Involved in Their Education

Regularly check in with your child about their school experiences. Ask about their day, homework, and any challenges they face. Your involvement shows that you care and are there to help when needed.

10. Stay Positive and Be Patient

Stay positive

Finally, maintain a positive attitude throughout the back-to-school transition. Be patient and empathetic when your child encounters difficulties. Assure them it’s okay to make mistakes and that learning and growth are part of the journey.


The back to school blues are a natural part of transitioning from summer vacation to the classroom. However, with these ten strategies, you can help your child beat those blues and start the school year positively. By establishing routines, creating a supportive environment, and maintaining open communication, you can ensure that your child copes with the transition and thrives academically and emotionally.

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