Making coffee at home needn’t be challenging, and with the appropriate methods, it may taste just as good as the coffee served in our cafes. You’ll be on the right path to improving your homebrewed coffee if you stick to these simple and easy suggestions!
1. Use freshly ground coffee
Aromatic chemicals in roasted coffee beans play a significant role in why coffee smells and tastes so deliciously complex. Following roasting, a process known as degassing causes these molecules to start escaping from the bean, carrying a lot of flavour with them. Up to 70% of such chemicals will have disappeared within eight days. More flavour is needed over time, leaving you with stale-tasting coffee. This procedure will be accelerated by grinding the coffee, which increases the surface area of the bean and facilitates the chemicals’ easier exit. The best coffee from your beans will come from using only fresh coffee and grinding just before brewing!
2. Apply a measure
How strong or weak a cup of coffee is will depend on how much coffee you use compared to how much water you use. The straightforward rule of using two teaspoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water is known to many. And while you can undoubtedly make coffee using that recipe (or ones similar to it), you need more accuracy to advance your brewing. Because the size and density of different coffees and mixes vary greatly, a tablespoon of one coffee may weigh substantially less than a tablespoon of another. Using a scale enables you to measure by weight (instead of volume), ensuring that you always know how much coffee is going into your cup, regardless of the coffee you use.
The strength of the cup increases with the amount of coffee used and decreases with the amount of coffee used. The best way to conceptualize it is as a ratio between the quantity of coffee and water utilized. To help highlight the chocolate sweetness and silky body of our House Blend, we recommend using a ratio of about 1:12 (35 grams of coffee to 400 grams of water). For our Single Origins, we advise using a ratio of about 1:14, which helps to highlight the more delicate flavours and acidity.
3. Use a burr grinder
A great grinder is one of the essential pieces of equipment for brewing coffee. The speed at which tastes are extracted from coffee beans depends on the size of the ground coffee particles; smaller particles extract flavours more quickly than larger particles. To ensure that the coffee grounds brew at the same rate, you want your grounds to be roughly the same size. You have much more control over the brewing process if you can precisely regulate the size of your ground coffee. You can achieve this using burr grinders since they make it exceedingly simple to consistently produce a particular grind size.
To create superb coffee, different brewing techniques require various grind sizes. However, how can you be sure you’re utilizing the appropriate size? If you are still confused about getting the perfect machine, click at to learn more about the machines.
Additionally, time and flavour are two very simple indicators. We aim to brew the coffee using our pour-over recipes in about three and a half minutes. The grind is too coarse if the coffee brews too rapidly. The grind was too fine if it brews too slowly. Moreover, if the coffee tastes too bitter, the grind is probably too fine, and vice versa for coffees that are too acidic and sour. For instance, French presses, pour-overs, and AeroPress call for a coarse grind, while espresso calls for a fine grind. You can make great coffee at home by adjusting your grind setting according to time and taste.
4. Use filtered water to make it more accurate
The quality and taste of the water greatly influence the flavour of your brewed coffee. Your coffee will taste unpleasant if the water you’re using has an unusual flavour or smell. One of the most excellent things you can do for your morning cup is to use filtered water. In specific locations, tap water is suitable for brewing, but in most locations, you should use bottled water or water that has undergone home filtering. Even though distilled water is technically the purest, coffee needs some minerality to brew correctly and taste great, so avoid using it if you’re using bottled water.
5. Heat and wet everything first
Make sure everything your coffee will contact is as near to the brewing temperature as feasible before you start brewing. If you don’t do this, the water temperature will be dramatically lowered during the brewing process by your brewing device stealing heat from the water. Knowing how vital correctly heated water is to the success of your brew, you’ll want to avoid unnecessarily lowering the temperature of your water.
Additionally, carefully set up your filter by soaking it in hot water and allowing it to drain before brewing a pour-over. This not only heats the filter to the appropriate level but also removes a significant amount of the paper flavour that would otherwise end up in your coffee.
6. Bloom Your Coffee
When you pour water over freshly ground coffee, what do you notice? Bubbles, I assume? Blooming is the process by which carbon dioxide, or CO2, a byproduct of roasting, is forcibly forced out of the coffee. Never omit this step, as the presence of CO2 might ruin the extraction process and reduce the flavour of your brew. Therefore, start the brew with minimal water and let the coffee bloom for around 30 seconds before adding more.
Also, note that the water needed to cause the bloom is typically twice as much as the coffee. Thus, 40 ml of water will be required for the bloom if you consume 20g of coffee.
7. Saturate Your Coffee to the Fullest
Make sure all the ground coffee is in touch with the water simultaneously. And while the coffee in your pour-over or French press might be fully saturated when you first add water, it’s not unusual to find pockets of dry coffee. The easiest way to ensure that your coffee is moistened is to stir it quickly after adding the water during the bloom.
Apply these suggestions when brewing at home for consistently superior results! Combine these ideas with the fundamentals from Sleepy Owl coffee to take it to the next level. Purchase the ideal beans, ground coffee, French press coffee kit, instant coffee, a lovely ceramic mug, or your rugged Military mug to ensure that every cup of home-brewed coffee tastes better than ever.