Have a Cracking Christmas with Paperchase


Paperchase is a shop that I have loved for a long time, not only do they sell gorgeous stationery which is perfect for a stationery hoarder like me but they have great gifts too. Little Bean is following firmly in her Mummy’s footsteps and will always ask to go in there when we have a … Read more

Getting ready for Christmas with John Lewis #QBlogger


If there is one shop I look forward to visiting over the Christmas period it’s John Lewis, it’s a shop I remember visiting in my childhood with my Mum and my Nanna, I can remember looking at all of their Christmas decorations (and usually getting static shocks off them too). John Lewis just always manage … Read more

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas Day

All that preparation, all that anticipation and Christmas is over before you know it. Thankfully, ours was a lovely relaxed family day. The children woke at 6am and screeched with excitement when they saw presents spilling out of their stockings and further piles of presents in the lounge. By 8am the first wave of presents … Read more

It’s all about the Christmas decorations . . .

Christmas decorations

Oohh Christmas! I love Christmas – the gifts, the music, the mince pies, the cookies and assorted Christmas treats, and most of all – the decorations! All sparkly and shiny and glittery and pretty and did I mention sparkly? I have a pretty big family – 5 brothers and sisters with their assorted children, 3 … Read more

Our first Playmobil Advent Calendar – Forest Christmas

Advent Calendar

Christmas is fast-approaching and I’m already getting excited, before I know it the Advent Calendar will be out, the decorations will be up and the Christmas music will be playing. This year I am trying my hardest to be organised before December arrives because I want to really make the most of the Christmas atmosphere … Read more

When Mummy Matters went behind the scenes on set for #MakeItMagic


If you had asked me just over 5 years ago when I started blogging what I thought I would be doing in 5 years time I can pretty much guarantee you that I wouldn’t have said “oh you know, just hanging out on set at the making of Philips new Christmas video #MakeItMagic” but that’s … Read more

Christmas Crafting: Light Bulbles

Christmas Crafting: Light Bulbles 1

No don’t worry I haven’t made a start on the mulled wine and I haven’t forgotten to use the spell checker, I meant to write ‘Light Bulbles’ because that’s what you call it when you cross a Light Bulb with a Bauble. Shall I explain further? A few days ago I was asked if I … Read more