Your Child’s First Drone: Things to Consider

Drones for Kids

There is a good chance that your little one would love to have a drone. Don’t worry, there are great drones for children of almost any age! Drones were extremely high tech a decade ago. There weren’t many that would make good toys. Today, that has changed. While there are expensive drones that have advanced … Read more

Free Resources for kids learning typing

Kids Learning Typing

Technology has come around and led to a lot of changes in the way things are done nowadays. Every child will get the basic knowledge of computer usage while at a primary school. Technology can be used to give that kid the edge over his or her age mates. These resources can be accessed online … Read more

Back to school for mums and dads: The majority (62%) of parents want to learn coding to keep up with their kids

Learn coding

Despite half (50%) of children aged between five and ten learning to code at school, only one in five (20%) parents know how to, making most parents ill-equipped to help their children with tech homework, according to a new coding report released today by consumer robotics and AI company, Anki, makers of the UK’s best-selling toy … Read more