Today we visited Springfields in Spalding so that the tiddlers could join the Teddy Bear’s Picnic run by the Playbarn. For just £4.99 the children were able to play in the playbarn for as long as they liked and they received their picnic box containing sandwiches, Dairylea Triangle, crisps and a bottle of drink. Not bad eh!? Talking to the manageress she was telling me that this weekend they are hoping to have a new ride on train which carries passengers around the gardens set up and once it is in place, a train ride will also be included in the Teddy Bear’s picnic price which I think is brilliant.
Little Bean and Beanie Boy really enjoyed their picnic and I was over the moon to find out that Little Bean could have her favourite chocolate spread sandwiches and Beanie Boy could have jam, finally a lunch they would eat! Little Bean opted to take her Silverback Gorilla from London Zoo and Beanie Boy is still a big Billy Bear fan so he isn’t going anywhere too far without him at the moment. Rubbish Mummy completely forgot to take a teddy for Jelly Bean though so he had to put up with cuddling Mummy instead.
After their picnic we had a short walk in the gardens before heading back to the Playbarn where the tiddlers let off a bit more steam inside before testing out the outdoor play equipment. Beanie Boy said it was “just like Daddy being an ape” but what he meant was just like Daddy at Go Ape, although obviously on a much smaller scale.
At the front of the Playbarn they had organised a gentleman from a local brass band to let the children have a play on the cornet and trombone. I didn’t for a minute think that the tiddlers would even want to try but they did and what’s more, Little Bean was brilliant at it.
Of all the instruments for her to take a shine to, she had to find the noisiest of the lot didn’t she!! Mind you, I guess it must run in the blood since my Mum used to play the cornet when she was younger. I’m thinking an outdoor playroom is becoming more and more attractive if she decides to pursue this new found love!!