When cleaning up your kitchen, you must clean the cabinets and cupboards. Don’t forget the refrigerator as well. Cleaning and restocking all these areas in the kitchen helps you maintain hygiene. Moreover, you know which item has expired and cannot be used anymore. Sometimes, we buy condiments just because we like the product or feel that we might need it while preparing a dish. But in reality, we hardly use that condiment or have used it once or twice. After that, it has been sitting on the shelf for months. When you clean the shelf, you realize that the condiment has expired, and you should get rid of it.

Cleaning and rearranging the kitchen also give the room a positive vibe. The kitchen looks shiny and sparkling, and you feel great cooking meals. There are many households where the kitchen is relatively small. One is unable to use a full-sized fridge. The only solution left is to use a small refrigerator. You can stock all the vegetables and fruits in the fridge. If you have any leftover food or want to store the meat and chicken, you can do so in the small fridge. The best part about this appliance is that it is a space-saving one. And since it is lightweight and portable, you can carry it with you on any outdoor adventures.
Since the kitchen is small and you are using a small fridge, it is essential to declutter the fridge and stock only the items you need. You should do this as often as possible so that no food item gets wasted and you can store all the items adequately and decently. Below are some steps that you can implement to make the most of your small fridge:
Clean the refrigerator and get rid of the expired items
From time to time, you need to open the fridge and take stock of all the items stored there. Make a list of items you need and the ones you don’t. You should discard the ones that you hardly need. Ensure you eat the meat and chicken bought within a few days of its purchase. Ideally, you should do it in the first two days. You should never stock them for a week on end. Their nutritional value goes down, which is not great.
Sort the items in the fridge into different categories
You should categorize and store the different food items accordingly. For example, you should keep all dairy products on one shelf, the vegetables in another, meat and chicken in the deep freezer, and cold drinks, milk bottles, and other liquids on the drink stand inside the fridge.
Arrange similar items accordingly
Most of us end up with similar or duplicate products, such as cheese, sauces, and other condiments. You can either arrange the similar ones and store them accordingly, or you can throw away the ones that you hardly use and keep only those that you use.
Restock the refrigerator
Once the decluttering is done and you are ready to restock the refrigerator, you should store all the items on their specific shelves. This will make it easier to locate the items and use them as and when necessary.
Summing it up
To make the most of your small refrigerator, stock it accordingly. Clean it at regular intervals so that none of the food items get wasted and that your fridge remains in good condition. If your mini fridge has become old and you plan to buy a new one, you can check out https://www.astroai.com/.