I haven’t taken part in Saturday is Caption Day for a while now because I haven’t really had any photographs which I felt were right but as soon as I took this photograph I just knew I had to post it. I just love the look on his face – so come on people, hit me with it, what caption do you have for this picture?
To see more pictures just awaiting your thoughts click on the link below . . .
Wanna kiss!
See this face mummy? This is the face of the innocent, this is…
I didn’t steal any of your chocolate. Honestly!
Chocolate? What chocolate??
Look at these eyes. How can you deny me more chocolate?
Seriously – what are you looking at!?
Sorry, are you staring at something?
Look! Lipstick that matches my lovely eyes!
Look into my eyes (not around the eyes) You will give me more chocolate and you won’t remember any of this when you wake up.
I LOVE this one, made me laugh out loud
och Mummy2BabyInsomniac that was what I was gonna say!
Chocolate, what chocolate?