Minimalist Wallets: Why Less Is More for Your Pocket and Posture

That year, when the legendary architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe first made the philosophical statement “less is more,” he was not referring to your pocket, the alignment of your bones, or posture. Instead, he was referring to simplicity in design and how the idea and concept of minimalism were excellent and beneficial to you. 

“How does this concern me?” You may ask. Have you ever considered how the design of equipment, gadgets, tools, and other implements you use every day could impact your health? From something as big as your backpack to something as small as your wallet: Yes, even that seemingly harmless leather wallet!

Thousands of people complain week after week about back and leg pain. The choice of wallet causes some of these pains. That is why the Shuffle minimalist wallet is slowly becoming the new normal. Before discussing why, let us answer those asking about what minimalist wallets are. 

Minimalist Wallets

A minimalist wallet helps you carry just your essentials, like cards and some cash. It allows you to be mindful of the belongings you carry around. Also, it is light not just because it carries a few things but also because of the materials with which it is made.

A simple answer is that it is functional. Who would not like to own a wallet that helps you achieve something? The idea of minimalism is to remove everything you do not need and keep only the important ones. The Shuffle minimalist wallet enables you to do that. It also boasts of helping you make faster decisions and take control of your spending habits.

However, its benefits are much more than faster decisions or taking control of your spending habits. The minimalist design also has a positive effect on you. It prevents you from experiencing some health issues that result from using the traditional bulky wallet. Is this even true?

Minimalist Wallets

We mentioned earlier that some of the pains you experience may result from your wallet and which pocket you place it in. Physiotherapists say that it is a widespread occurrence. Let us take a look at how using minimalist wallets positively impacts you.

It is expected to put your wallet in the back pocket of your trousers. However, with a bulky wallet behind it, it affects how comfortable you would be sitting. It causes pressure to build up on the side where the pocket is. This could lead to intense pain. We will talk about that at the next point.

Yes, just like you guessed, the intense pain we spoke about comes from the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from your lower back through your legs. When you put a bulky wallet in your back pocket and sit on it for a long time, a lot of pressure on this nerve causes intense pain in your lower back and legs. This pain can be severe. With the Shuffle minimalist wallet, you have compartments and slots for just what you need at the time. So you don’t have to worry about a bulky, bulging wallet. It even gets better. The next point will tell you why.

Do you see how much you have to gain? Unlike traditional wallets, minimalist wallets have sleek and slim designs. They can carry only so much that they fit into your front pocket with an awkward swell. Also, its weight is in balance with your posture. If you are wondering what this balance means and how it affects your posture, the following point explains why.

As mentioned earlier, minimalist wallets encourage keeping them in your front pocket. This is better because sitting on your wallet causes an imbalance and leads to the tilting of your pelvis. This can lead to a strain on your lower back and intense pain. But, with your minimalist wallet in your front pocket, you can sit comfortably with an even weight distribution. This is good for your posture.

We believe we have shown you that having less in your wallet can significantly impact your posture and prevent you from experiencing avoidable pain. If you want to regain your posture, imbibe the culture of carrying less. To do this, we recommend getting yourself a Shuffle minimalist wallet. It would go a long way to help you maintain the best posture or get it back.

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