Recovering from Surgery and looking after the little ones
To help you make time for your recovery, here are some tips for managing your children during this difficult time.
Before parenting, Hubby and I were very much into a healthy lifestyle and regularly attended the gym together. Health and fitness have been essential since becoming parents, keeping up with our little energy beans and helping us feel good about ourselves.
To help you make time for your recovery, here are some tips for managing your children during this difficult time.
I first took Curly to have his eyesight checked at the opticians when he was 4 years old; I’d had my suspicions for a little while that all was not well with his eyes.
A few months ago I decided it was about time I got myself into gear and started to tone up what was left of my post-pregnancy shape by joining the local gym. I was doing really well, I managed to go two or three times a week and had sorted out an exercise plan with … Read more
Just a few short weeks ago, I received my Cybher newsletter along with all other delegates, which said that Thinking Slimmer was proud to announce their sponsorship of Cybher and to mark the occasion they were looking for 10 bloggers to review the Thinking Slimmer weight-loss programmes. Readers of Mummy Matters will know that last … Read more
The Powerspin has recently spun its way into my life and I’m really starting to quite like it.
Sometimes you get asked to review a product that you really hope you will never have to use, and this is one such product. No parent ever likes to think of their child being poorly, but inevitably it will happen, and for the last couple of weeks, Beanie Boy has been our poorly child. Tommee … Read more
Unless you’re in the minority of mothers whose bodies sprang back into pre-pregnancy form straight after giving birth to your little bundle, you’ll know just how frustrating it can be to see your old clothes laughing in your face every time you open the wardrobe doors, or how painful it can be when your back … Read more
I’ve watched Men Who Jump Off Buildings and felt physically sick. These adrenaline junkies parachute from fixed objects like buildings, statues and mountains.