Elastolabo®: New product launched to help prevent perineal trauma during childbirth

Every year, up to 55% of women (approximately 330,000) suffer from perineal trauma, damage to the area between the vagina and anus, during childbirth. The statistics around this incredibly common and painful side effect of childbirth aren’t widely discussed but a medical product does exist for pregnant women to help prevent tearing or the need … Read more

Mummy Matters went to the Toy Fair

Mummy Matters went to the Toy Fair 2

On Tuesday I had a very rare ‘childfree’ day out to the Toy Fair in Olympia courtesy of Galt Toys. The boys toddled off to Nanny and Grandads for fun and frolics (otherwise known as “let’s wear Nanny and Grandad out” day) and Little Bean went to school followed by playtime at the childminders. As … Read more

Review: Cussons Mum & Me range

Review: Cussons Mum & Me range 4

Taking care of yourself is always important if you want to look good for as long as possible but never more so than when you are pregnant or have just had a baby. Growing a super-cute little bundle of joy definitely takes its toll on your body, dry skin and stretch marks are just some … Read more

My first attempt at Studio Photography

My first attempt at Studio Photography 5

After my family, my biggest passion is photography. I have been obsessed with cameras since I was a little girl and have had a multitude of different cameras since then. In December last year I booked myself onto a DSLR Beginner’s course with DSLR Learning which I spotted through Groupon and I LOVED it! At … Read more