How To Find A Perfect Clean Up Service If Moving In Into New Apartment

Moving into a new apartment can be difficult. There are so many things to do that you may not know where to start! One of the most important tasks is cleaning up after the previous renters. This blog post will help you find the perfect clean-up service when moving into a new apartment, and provide tips on what to look for in one.

What cleaning services do they provide?

Clean Up Service

You first have to know what services a clean-up service provides in order to find one that is right for your needs. A lot of people don’t even know what different kinds of cleaning they offer, so you could be wasting time researching companies when the perfect clean-up company is already available!

Some clean-up companies only clean homes and offices while others will take care of all sorts of things like retail shops or schools. Some might also have specialized technicians who are experts at specific tasks such as carpet & furniture stain removal, oven cleaning, or window washing. You could use their knowledge about these cleaners to get advice on how best to clean certain items yourself too which can save money if done properly.

You always want to make sure that every damage and filth left by the previous tenants are removed before you come to live in the apartment. Once the move out cleaning is done, you’re ready to bring your stuff in. Of course, you’ll want them to go through the place after you’ve settled because there will be a lot of things to do when you’ve moved in.

Compare rates with other companies 

Services offer different clean-up rates, so it is important to find a clean-up service if moving into a new apartment that offers the right combination of both. Comparing rates will help people easily spot which cleaning company has better prices while also offering reliable clean-up services. 

There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like you’re paying too much for something not worth your money. To avoid this scenario, comparing the rates with other companies before deciding who to hire as professionals can be expensive, but they are well worth their cost when compared to those offered by amateur cleaners.

Read reviews 


Reviews will give you a lot of insight into the clean-up service you are thinking of hiring. You can find out if they clean up well after their clients, or if they have messy workers who leave messes everywhere. 

Keep these tips in mind when reading reviews:

  • How fast are they working?
  • Are they clean in appearance?
  • Do they clean thoroughly before leaving the apartment clean and ready for you to move in?
  • Read from a variety of clean-up services in order to get different perspectives on clean-up companies.

Ask friends who used a certain service about their satisfaction 

If you know people who recently used a clean-up service, ask them about their experience. If they had an excellent time with the company and are satisfied with the outcome of it all, you might benefit from hiring that clean-up service as well. Just make sure to ask if there was anything in particular which bothered your peers and how they would improve the clean-up service in order to prevent similar things from happening with your clean-up.

If you don’t know anybody who used a clean-up service before, do some research on the internet and find out which kind of companies are available in your area. And then ask them for their opinions about that specific company or if there is another one better than it which has no negative reviews yet.

Is the company insured and licensed?

It’s important to know if the clean-up company is insured and licensed in order to find service if moving into a new apartment. There are many companies that offer these services, however, it’s important you do your research on them in order to ensure they will be able to provide quality cleaning without any issues.

If not properly insured or licensed, this can pose an issue for you when trying to file claims for damages done during the clean-up process. You want someone who has protection against damage occurring because of their work. Otherwise, there could be some additional costs associated with filing insurance claims which nobody would like! 

Do they offer a trial period?

A trial period can show you if the clean-up company is a good fit for you. If they do not offer one, it could be a red flag that there are other issues with their clean-up services (which may include cleanliness). However, trial periods can also be expensive for companies to implement and run so make sure to take this into consideration when considering whether or not they offer this. Always look into other factors as well. If they do offer this, you’ll know if they did a good enough job before hiring them.

Moving into a clean apartment and clearing out the damage you do once you do so is crucial. Make sure the company cleans the place after the tenants move out and compare rates of different services to see how much to spend. Read reviews and ask for references. Also, make sure they’re insured and check if they offer a trial period to see how they work first!

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