How Different Mattress Options Can Prevent Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, it might be a good idea to check out your sleeping arrangements, and in particular, your mattress. We spend so much time on our mattresses that you may not even realise how bad it can be affecting you. Mattresses can easily become filled with dust mites, mould, mildew, and other allergens. These can trigger problems with your congestion and eyes, making it hard for you to sleep. If you snore a lot, your mattress could be the culprit as the allergens wreak havoc with your nasal passage.  However, you don’t have to suffer unnecessarily any longer. There are now different types of mattresses that can actually help prevent your allergies and allow you to get a restful night’s sleep. Here’s how they work… 

mattress options

Natural Latex Mattresses

Latex mattresses are extremely durable and can provide you with brilliant support at night. Not only are natural latex mattresses hypoallergenic, but they are also resistant to mould and dust mites. Natural latex comes from plants and its function is to protect it from damage. This natural repellent can be carried over into the mattresses made of the material and will make it inhospitable for bugs and dust mites, thus reducing your allergies. Typically, natural latex won’t have been treated with any chemicals either. Some allergies can actually be caused by the chemicals used to make them flame retardants. However, they can actually react with your body and increase your allergies.  

Memory Foam

Memory foam mattresses are one of the most popular types of mattresses, and with their unbeatable comfort and support, it’s easy to see why. But did you know that they can actually play a key role in helping prevent allergies? Memory foam is super thick and prevents dust mites from getting into the mattress as there are no little gaps for them to get in.  The thickness of the foam also prevents them from breeding if they do manage to find a way in because it’s too dense and not warm enough. Sleeping on a comfortable mattress that’s free from allergens is the best way to ensure you get a fantastic sleep every night.

Organic Wool

mattress options

Wool is naturally hypoallergenic, so it can be a great material when used in mattresses. It’s also a hostile environment for dust mites so they aren’t able to survive and cause you any issues. Wool is also a sustainable product as well, so it’s a great alternative if you want to reduce your carbon footprint. Mattresses with wool help to keep the temperature lower than what dust mites need to thrive, so not only will you be kept cool, but you’ll also be allergy-free. 

Mattress Toppers

As well as the type of mattress you go for, it’s important to be careful what type of mattress topper you use as well as it can become a haven for dust mites. Latex and wool are some of the best materials you can use for this purpose. With wool being naturally hypoallergenic, and latex being resistant to mould and dust mites, it’s easy to see why these toppers are the best. 

Choosing the right mattress for your allergies is important, as you don’t want to make them worse. Different mattresses have different functions, but you may need to put your focus on choosing one that will be more beneficial for your allergies. Don’t compromise on price either. Making sure the risk of potential allergens is low is priceless and will enable you to get the right amount of sleep you need without interruption.

How Different Mattress Options Can Prevent Allergies 1

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