Geomag Mechanics Review #AD-GIFTED

Geomag Mechanics is an extension of the original Geomag construction sets using magnetic rods, steel balls and mechanical elements to put your brain to work. They are fun STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) learning toys which capture the imagination and encourage children to think outside the box. With this kit, you can learn about how magnets react with one another and start your own chain reaction.

Geomag Mechanics Magnetic Motion

Geomag Mechanics Magnetic Motion

There are Geomag sets to suit every age and ability, they do not require screens or batteries which makes them pretty perfect in my eyes.

What’s in the box?

Albie has been sent this Geomag Mechanics Magnetic Motion set which contains 86 pieces; including 18 magnetic rods, 24 steel balls, 44 plastic pieces and an instruction sheet to follow which gives you the ideas to get you started. The instruction sheet also teaches about magnetic polarities and how they work.

Geomag Mechanics

As is often the case in our household, when one child receives a cool new toy, there are unwanted but very willing assistants on hand to ‘help’. This was definitely the case when Lillie and Ollie spotted Albie’s new Geomag Mechanics. Between the three of them, the first system was set up in no time.

Construction toys

Whilst the boys were busy building the main system, Lillie decided to go rogue and create this 3D pentagon.

Teamwork makes the dream work!


Following the Geomag Mechanics instructions as a team, they built the main design included within the kit and were keen to show me how it worked. They did have a few issues getting the trio of arms to stay balanced on the stainless steel balls but they soon figured out it was because they had accidentally placed the centrepiece upside down by mistake. Once they had rectified this, it worked perfectly.

Geomag Mechanics

By rotating the larger construction using the handle at the top, the magnets reacted with each other to propel the smaller construction to rotate. The Beans thought this was AMAZING!!

So many possibilities

Albie doesn’t always find it easy to sit and concentrate on things for a long period of time although we have found that anything involving construction and imagination really does keep him settled. With Geomag I feel like we have found ‘his thing’. With Lillie and Ollie out of the way, Albie played for a solid 2 hours on his own, building new constructions, taking them apart and changing them. The Geomag has completely captured his imagination.

Geomag Mechanics

Later that afternoon, he asked if you could buy further sets of Geomag and if so, could he use his birthday money to buy more. We looked online and he chose the Geomag Confetti which we are eagerly awaiting delivery of so that his creations can evolve and grow.

Geomag Mechanics is an extension of the original Geomag construction sets using magnetic rods, steel balls and mechanical elements to put your brain to work.

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