Before getting married I had a pretty good idea about my finances, I did get myself into a pickle with them at one point but I found the right help and am proud to say that I got myself straight again. Being married to an Accountant I tend to just switch off these days and let him deal with it all but for some families there isn’t even that option. Not everyone can be married to someone in Finance now can they?!
At school we learnt Maths but did anyone attend classes on handling your personal finances or planning for the future? Nope! Even as a Twentysomething I still hadn’t thought about starting a personal pension because ‘pensions are for old people’ and I was young and living life. Very foolish of me I know and believe me I do wish I had thought at about it all earlier, I really do.
The findings*, released today by Legal & General, reveal that the top five personal finance topics least understood are:
Annuities (42%)
- Access to personal pension plans (36%)
- Auto-enrolment (31%)
- Help-to-Buy (29%)
- Investments (22%)
Read the full press release here.
In a bid to help the nation get to grips with their finances and to be able to ask those burning questions, Nigel Wilson, Chief CEO of Legal & General will be hosting two live “Money Hangouts” where your personal finance questions will be answered by Joanna Elson from the Money Advice Trust, personal finance expert Esther Shaw and Independent Financial Adviser and former personal finance journalist Stephen Womack.
The first Hangout will be focused on the theme of ‘family finances’ and will take place live on Google+. Submit your questions BEFORE 10am 26th February 2015 on any of these channels;
Come back tomorrow at 10am and watch the Hangout Live