If you have a child, you have probably been pestered to buy a pet on several occasions. It may sound like a relatively simple decision to make, but it requires a great deal of time, effort, and dedication and several factors must be taken into consideration beforehand. If you are in this position, continue reading to determine what you must consider before buying your kid’s first pet.
The age and maturity level of your child

If your three-year-old child has been asking you for a furry friend for several months, it may be worth waiting until they are older and, therefore, more mature. This is because the reality of owning a pet is far more complex than how it is usually portrayed on screen or through the lens of the short time they spend at a friend or family member’s household with a pet. If your child is nearing the age of five or six, on the other hand, they are far more likely to appreciate a pet as well as the level of responsibility it requires.
The cost of pet insurance
If you have decided to buy your child their first pet, there are several costs you must familiarise yourself with beforehand. This includes food, equipment, toys, enclosures or bedding, medical care, boarding and, perhaps most importantly, pet insurance.
Pet insurance from a provider such as Petsure.com can cover you and your furry friend in the event of an accident or emergency and provide you with much-needed peace of mind for a small monthly fee.
The type of pet you want

If you have assessed your child’s age and maturity level and familiarised yourself with the cost of pet insurance, you are ready to choose the type of pet you want. This is largely down to personal preference but can also be decided based on your kid’s age, your living situation, your knowledge and experience of owning pets, and your budget. If you have owned dogs throughout your life, the process of buying a dog is likely to be a walk in the park for you. However, it may be worth doing your research on child-friendly dog breeds to prevent you from taking a risk that may backfire.
Your daily routine
To ensure your household is suited to pets, you must also consider your daily routine and how much spare time you can dedicate to training them, playing with them, feeding them, walking them, and getting to know them. This may sound like an obvious step, but you would be surprised at how many people buy a pet whilst working long hours away from home and end up selling it down the line. If you are a single parent who works from 9 am until 5 pm, it may not be a great time to buy a puppy.
You and your child’s allergies

If you, or your child, has any allergies, this must be taken into account before you make a final decision and buy a pet. By failing to do so, you may end up falling in love with your furry friend but being forced to return it due to unrelenting allergy symptoms. This may be an easy decision for you, but it can end up breaking your child’s heart if it is their first pet.
If you are in the process of buying your kid’s first pet, there are several factors you must consider first. This includes your child’s age and maturity level, the cost of pet insurance, the type of pet you want, your daily routine, and your and your child’s allergies.