When trying to make the decision on breast or bottle for your baby, you need to be armed with all of the information possible. I have breastfed both of my children but it has not been an easy journey and I do not see myself as being better than any mother who chooses to bottle feed. I have now become a Breastfeeding Counsellor and so I would like to share with you the things I have learnt along the way.
Benefits for Baby:
- Protection against ear infections due to sucking
- Protection against diarrhoea, gastro-enteritis and tummy upsets
- No constipation, easier to digest
- Less smelly nappies
- Protection against chest infections and wheezing
- Babies are naturally immunized against viruses and infections
- Lower risk of diabetes
- Less eczema
- Better mental development
- Better mouth formation and straighter teeth
- Less chance of baby girl’s developing breast cancer later in life (their risk is reduced again if they go on to be a breastfeeding mother)
- Three times less chance of child obesity by the age of 6
Benefits for Mother:
- Lower risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer
- Lower risk of ovarian cancer
- Faster return to pre-pregnancy figure
- Stronger bones in later life
- You can eat pretty much what you like
- Reduces the risk of diabetes
- Diabetic mothers need less insulin
- Reduces fertility (but doesn’t guarantee it!)
- Ready prepared – no messing about with bottles in the night
- It’s free!
Am fighting the urge to get defensive. As you know from my blog I had to give up at 3wks & he ended up in hospital. I do blame myself, I always will! Hopefully if/when I have number 2 I will have someone around like you to help me.
Congratulations on your new role.
Oh please don’t feel defensive, I support all mothers and would never say that one is better than the other. For some breastfeeding works, for others it doesn’t – no-one is right, and no-one is wrong we’re all just caring for our babies.
I know that my breastfeeding page might upset some people but I’m just wanting to help mothers to make an informed decision x
i breast feed for a year and despite this my son still got eczema but that is more down to the fact that i have eczema so its inherited.. breastfeeding its a wonderful thing to to .x