When I attended BritMums Live earlier this summer, I had a chance to meet with two very lovely people who were spreading the word on a new App they have been working on called 23Snaps, which is a free private social networking App.
When creating the App, they wanted to come up with a way for parents to share photographs and videos of their children with friends and family without the rest of the world being able to take a peek. Now you know me already and I love nothing more than taking photographs of my children, my poor little monkeys have a camera shoved in their faces so often they would probably mistake themselves for celebrities when they are older. We just can’t help ourselves, can we? These miniature versions of ourselves are so much cuter, so much funnier, and so much more interesting than ourselves. We just want everyone close to us to share in every moment, too. With 23Snaps you can do just that, the only people who will be able to see your content are those that you actually invite to see it.
When setting up your account, you can add your spouse so that any photographs they take are automatically added to your account, keeping them all in one safe place. Then you add your children’s details so that they each have their own folders, wallpaper and status page. Finally inviting your friends and family couldn’t be easier, just upload them from your contacts list, send them an email or connect using Facebook. Each time you add a new photograph/video or status update (you know, like the funny things children say!), your connections will be sent a message to tell them there is new content for them to view.

One of the features that I really liked is the rubber duck which you can click on to get your little one’s attention. Gone are the days of having to wave your arms around, whistle, dance and make funny faces (well, unless you really want to) because with 23Snaps, the squeaky duck does the hard work for you.
For the more forgetful parents among us, there is a great little ‘nudge’ feature that will prompt you if you haven’t added any new content recently.

If your family and friends are flung far and wide across the globe, then this is the perfect App for you because you control 100% of who can see what, and when it comes to your children, that is a very precious thing to have. It’s a great way of building a digital memory book of your family because, let’s face it, they grow pretty darn quick so it’s lovely to have things to look back on and smile. There are lots of different filters that you can apply to your photographs to give them that artistic edge; your family and friends will think you’ve turned into the next David Bailey!!
I LOVE this App, and as with all the good ones, I can’t believe someone hasn’t come up with it sooner, but I do have one little niggle. I can only use it on my iPad because I don’t have an iPhone, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, can you hurry up and get it on Android too!!
To find out more about 23Snaps and to join the community head on over to their Facebook Page or visit their website.
What a brilliant idea.