Adult Scoliosis: What Are The Symptoms And How Is It Treated

Scoliosis is a common illness that can occur in both children and adults. It is caused by a curve in the spine, which can lead to many different symptoms. Depending on the severity of the illness, there are many different ways to treat it. Some people may require surgery, while others may only need physical therapy. It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with scoliosis.

Common Misconceptions

Adult Scoliosis: What Are The Symptoms And How Is It Treated 1

Many people are not aware of scoliosis and how it is treated, but with early diagnosis, the illness is usually treatable. It is important to understand that anyone can get scoliosis, and it can occur in people of all ages. Many people think that the illness only affects children and teenagers, which is untrue. That illness may be seen most commonly in teenagers because their bones are still growing; once they pass this growth stage they will see a decline in symptoms. 

People also tend to believe that scoliosis causes any pain or discomfort; however, most people who have the illness do not experience any symptoms at all. Although adults may have already stopped growing, they may still develop some subtle curvatures of the spine while bending or carrying heavy loads. If these curvatures are noticed by a doctor, physical therapy may be the only form of treatment needed, for which you can try Brisbane Osteopath services. Other common misconceptions about scoliosis include that it is often caused by anything from bad posture to sports injuries; however, this illness is actually inherited genetically in many cases.

Common Symptoms

The most common symptom of scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. Many people are not aware that they have the illness until they are diagnosed by a doctor. Some other symptoms associated with this illness can include pain or discomfort anywhere along the back, shoulder blades, or ribs. There are typically no noticeable symptoms in milder cases of illness- so it is important to seek out medical attention if you notice any unusual curvatures of the spine.

People experiencing any of these symptoms should consult their doctor about getting an x-ray taken to determine whether or not it is likely scoliosis. 

Proper Treatment

If you are diagnosed, your doctor will likely create a scoliosis treatment plan that is specific to your illness. If the illness is mild, physical therapy may be adequate for relief. However, if the illness is more severe, surgery may be needed to correct the curve of the spine.

Many people who get scoliosis are unaware that there are so many different treatments available – depending on the severity of their illness and other factors, they may only need physical therapy or surgery. It is important to remember that anyone can get this illness; even children and teenagers can develop it. With early diagnosis and intervention, most people can manage their illness without complications. In times of old, it was something you just had to live with, even kings couldn’t escape it. Thankfully, today there is a multitude of ways to treat this illness.

Living With Scoliosis

adult scoliosis

If you are diagnosed with scoliosis, it is important to remember that you do not have to live with the illness. Many people who are born with it often discover it only much later in life. Luckily, many of these people can now lead happy and healthy lives without serious illness obstacles.

Since there are different treatments available depending on the severity of your illness- surgery or physical therapy- it is important to consult a doctor about what they recommend for treatment. Some people may only need physical therapy, while others may require surgery. With proper diagnosis and intervention, most individuals can manage this illness successfully throughout their whole lifespan.

Scoliosis is a common illness that can affect adults of all ages. There are many different ways to treat adult scoliosis, depending on the severity and other factors such as whether or not surgery may be needed. It is important to remember that anyone can get this illness; even children and teenagers can develop it with early diagnosis and intervention. The most common symptom associated with adult scoliosis is a curvature in the spine, but there are often no symptoms present until diagnosed by a doctor – so it’s important to consult your medical professional if you notice any unusual curvatures of the spine or pain anywhere along your back, shoulder blades, or ribs after bending or carrying heavy loads. With proper treatment plans tailored specifically for each individual illness level by their medical advisors, most people can live a long and healthy life without complications.

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