005/366 – look what made me smile today?

For reasons that are needed to be written, my day didn’t start well today. I hadn’t slept well and I was feeling very low and yes I had shed a few tears, needless to say I looked rough and I felt rough. I took Little Bean to school like normal, ran into my good friend and neighbour Mummy Bird for a chat at the school gates and then headed off on another chilly walk with Beanie Boy, Karin and Sam to blow the cobwebs away and put the world to rights.


Tonight as I was closing the curtains and settling the children in for the evening I heard a little knock at the door and opened it to see Big Bird stood on my door step holding this beautiful bouquet of flowers. She handed me the flowers and said “my Mummy got you these flowers to make you smile” and make me smile they did.

Some days I don’t know where I would be without all of my lovely friends, thank you for all your love and support I really do appreciate it xx

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