9 Amazing People That Can Support You During Your Divorce

No matter how strong you are, going through a divorce can test you in ways you never thought possible. Indeed, it is widely believed to be one of the most stressful experiences that a person can go through, alongside a death of a loved one.

Support You During Your Divorce

Sadly with the breakdown of a romantic relationship, it’s very easy for people to feel as if they are left all alone to deal with the practical and emotional fallout of a divorce. However, the good news is that many people are perfectly positioned to help you during such a challenging time. Read on to discover who they are and what types of support they can offer.

1. A life coach

A life coach can provide you with invaluable support during your divorce. They will help you to work through your emotions and figure out what your next steps should be. They can also help you develop coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and provide you with a sounding board for any problems or concerns. Most importantly, a life coach will help you see the divorce process as an opportunity for personal growth and ensure that you come out of it feeling stronger and more positive.

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Additionally, a life coach will be able to help you balance all the other aspects of your life like your career, social life, hobbies, and self-growth with the emotional experience of a divorce and the extra responsibilities you may need to pick up such as child care, because of it. 

2. Clergy or other religious leaders

If you’re part of a religious community, your clergy or other religious leaders can provide invaluable support during your divorce. They can offer guidance and understanding and help you connect with other members of your faith who may be going through similar experiences. Additionally, many religious organizations have programs or groups specifically for people going through a divorce, which can provide much-needed social and emotional support.

3. Financial advisors

One of the most important aspects of going through a divorce is ensuring your financial stability. A financial advisor can help you understand your current financial situation and recommend how to best move forward. They can also help you create a budget, set financial goals, and plan for your future. If you don’t have a financial advisor, many resources are available online or through financial planning organizations to help you get started.

When looking for a financial advisor, it’s important to choose someone you trust and feel comfortable with. You should also make sure they have experience working with people going through a divorce. With this in mind, it’s best to look for advisors specialising in divorce financial planning. Once you’ve found a few financial advisors, schedule an appointment with each to get a better sense of their approach and whether they would be a good fit for you.

4. Legal professionals

Divorce can be a daunting and complicated process, so it’s important to have a good team of professionals to help you through it. Legal professionals, such as divorce lawyers, family lawyers, online divorce services and mediators, can provide essential support and guidance during your divorce.

Remember a few things when choosing a legal professional to help with your divorce. First, you’ll want to ensure they have experience handling divorce cases. Second, you’ll want to ensure that they are familiar with the laws in your state. 

You’ll also want to make sure that, as well as being on top of the legal game, your family lawyers can offer you compassion and understanding during such as difficult time as a divorce. After all, many emotions are involved when a relationship dissolves. When you add the stress of sorting out a property, assets, child support, and child custody, things can quickly become very difficult.

5. Therapists specializing in divorce

Therapists who specialise in divorce can provide vital support during this difficult time. They can help you work through your emotions, such as sadness, anger, and anxiety. They can also help you deal with the stress of the divorce process itself.

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Some of the techniques that a therapist may use to support you during your divorce include:

Listening and providing empathy

One of the most important things a therapist can do is listen and simply provide empathy. This can be a vital form of support, especially if you feel like no one else understands your situation. The therapist can also help you to express your feelings in a safe and supportive environment.

Helping you to identify and express your emotions

A therapist can help you to identify and healthily express your emotions. This can be beneficial, as it can help you release some pent-up emotions you may be feeling. It can also help you better understand your emotions and how to deal with them.

Teaching coping and problem-solving skills

Your therapist can help you to learn coping and problem-solving skills. This can be extremely helpful, as it can allow you to deal with the challenges of divorce more effectively. The therapist can also teach you how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that can occur during a divorce.

Help you to create a support system

A therapist can also help you to create a support system. This can involve identifying people in your life who can offer emotional and practical support. It can also involve finding community resources to help you during this difficult time.

Refer you to other resources, such as support groups or legal services.

A trained therapist can also help you find other resources to assist during your divorce. This can include referring you to support groups or legal services. These resources can provide additional support and information, which can be helpful as you navigate the divorce process.

6. Friends and family

Your friends and family can be a great source of support during your divorce. They can offer practical assistance, such as help with childcare or cooking meals. They can also provide emotional support by simply being there for you to talk to.

Some of the ways that your friends and family can support you during your divorce include:

• Offering practical assistance, such as help with childcare or cooking meals

• Providing emotional support by simply being there for you to talk to

• Listening to you and providing empathy

• Helping you to express your emotions in a healthy way

However, do remember that while friends and family will usually be only too happy to support you during a divorce, it’s important that you don’t over-use this support. After all, they are people with their own lives and emotions, and emotionally dumping on them can be very upsetting and draining over a prolonged period. Indeed, notice that you are struggling to manage the emotions associated with your divorce. It can be very useful with a mental health professional and develop coping strategies to help you in this area.

7. Pet care services

When you’re going through a divorce, it can be tough to take care of your pets. Especially if you find yourself working long hours or taking on all child care responsibilities such as the school run and after-school clubs. This can mean it’s difficult to give your pets the time and attention they need.

You may wish to resolve this issue by hiring a pet care service to help care for your furry friends by coming to your home to feed and play with them or even taking them out for walks. Then you will have one less thing on your plate while going through this difficult time.

8. Cleaning services

Those newly single can often find themselves struggling to keep up with the housework while they work and take care of all the other responsibilities that are now solely on them. If you find this is the case, you may consider hiring a cleaning service. This will take some of the pressure off you and mean that you can focus on more important things. It will also give you time to relax and maybe even spend quality time with your kids.

9. Childcare services

If you have kids and are going through a divorce, you’ll likely need to find someone to take care of them, either while you are at work, out socially, or even when you are attending court sessions or meeting with your lawyer.

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The good news is that childcare services can provide that support. They can also help with homework and provide a safe space for your kids to express their feelings. Although it’s vitally important that you check the safeguarding measures that any childcare service has in place before you leave your kids with them. After all, above anything else, the safety and well-being of your children must be your priority.

9 Amazing People That Can Support You During Your Divorce 1

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