5 Tips For Saving Electricity With Your Kids

Teaching your kids life lessons isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It seems even harder when the consequences of the lessons don’t directly affect them or conflict with their interests. Far too often, that’s how it feels when it comes time to discuss the importance of energy efficiency.

It can be a struggle, as explaining where and how your children will need to cut back to keep your energy bill under control becomes synonymous with “no more fun.” The good news is that it does not have to be like this. You can help your kids understand ways to save energy while keeping things enjoyable and, more importantly, saving money.

To help you do so, consider these easy tips that will reduce your energy consumption while keeping day-to-day life unchanged:

1. Turn Off The Lights

Saving electricity

Children often overlook the importance of energy conservation, especially when it comes to turning off lights. It’s easy for them to leave lights on, especially if they’re in another part of the house, leading to unnecessary energy usage and a higher electricity bill.

To instill good habits, some parents continually remind their children to switch off lights when leaving a room. Others have discovered simple ways to encourage energy conservation, such as incorporating fun activities like scavenger hunts where turning off lights is part of the game. These approaches not only save energy but also teach younger children about the positive impact of reducing energy consumption, benefiting the whole family and saving money in the long run. By implementing these practices consistently, parents can establish a household culture of mindful energy use, creating a more energy-efficient home and setting a great example for kids of all ages.

2. Use Rechargeable Batteries in Their Toys

Rechargeable batteries

Purchasing rechargeable batteries is an easy way for you to save serious energy that beats the hassle of having to constantly buy new batteries. However, there is a larger upfront cost than for their non-rechargeable counterparts, standard rechargeable batteries can be re-energized as many as 500 times. That means that in just a few uses, they will pay for themselves. Also, rechargeable batteries don’t experience the same gradual decline as other standard batteries, so their overall performance is better.

Along with those benefits, using a rechargeable battery with charger will give you the opportunity to teach your kids basic handyman skills – like how to use a screwdriver and put the batteries in. This can be a big step towards independence for kids, so allowing them to take charge of battery replacement can act as a milestone that also saves you money in the process. Who’d have thought their toys could be such a great teaching tool?

3. Turn Off the Video games and Play Outside

Play outside

While your children spend hours barricaded indoors playing on consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One, it is your energy bill that is feeling it the most. Video game consoles are energy hogs, running up a tab even when you’re not playing them. And while the electric costs are adding up, they’re nothing compared to the bonding time you miss out on with your children.

There’s a very simple solution: Teach your kids how to have a good time outside. You can make it a seasonal activity, so maybe in the colder months, it’s hockey and snowball fights, while in the warmer months, you can play soccer and shoot some hoops. Encouraging outdoor play not only reduces energy consumption but also fosters good habits and promotes physical activity. The quality time spent together outdoors allows for family bonding and creates lasting memories. What’s more, they’re not cooped up inside all day running up the electric bill, but instead, they’re enjoying the natural light and reaping the benefits of being active in the great outdoors.

4. Use LED Lights instead of Incandescent Lights

LED Lights

LEDs are an incredibly efficient lighting alternative that is almost like using no electricity at all. These lights use about half as much electricity as their fluorescent, incandescent, and even halogen-based substitutes, guaranteeing you big savings while reducing energy costs and environmental impact.

The usual lifespan of an LED is around 30,000-50,000 hours, dwarfing the typical incandescent bulb’s 1,000 hour lifetime. As incandescent and other types of bulbs are gradually phased out, it is important to teach your kids about LEDs versus CFLs, fostering awareness about energy-efficient appliances and sustainable habits.

Consider buying your kids LED flashlights and incorporating them into fun activities like scavenger hunts or reading their favorite books before bedtime. Making LEDs a part of your everyday life will establish them as the acceptable norm for your kids, setting a good example of energy conservation and environmental stewardship while also putting some dollars back into your pocket.

5. Reduce Vampire Energy


Sorry to say it, but energy vampires suck your energy 365 ¼ days per year. We’re referring to appliances you leave plugged in. This could be your laptop charger, a video game console, or maybe a charger for your kid’s toys. It’s called the phantom load or vampire power, and it refers to electricity consumed by devices that have been turned off but remain plugged in.

Though the phantom load does have its benefits, like allowing for quick and easy power-up, as well as maintaining certain settings that you have programmed into devices, some findings suggest that it makes up roughly 10% of your energy bill each month. Put a stake in vampire power by teaching your children that even the small things count. Review with them which devices should remain plugged in and which can be unplugged.

By incorporating these energy-saving habits into your everyday life, you not only save money on your energy bill but also set a good example for your children, teaching them sustainable habits that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.


14 thoughts on “5 Tips For Saving Electricity With Your Kids”

  1. Oh I have always been conscious of this and when I turn off all the lights I’ll remember my nan telling ‘turn off those lights its like Blackpool in here’. haha

  2. My kids are so conscious of leaving electronics on when they are not using them. Once my youngest turned the tv off in the front room while I was in the kitchen making a cup of tea, she said I wasn’t watching it! We have trained them well lol!

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