The last couple of months have not been particularly easy for the average family. Inflation is increasing, good jobs are becoming increasingly rare, and tightening the belt has become a necessity for many of us.
When it comes to water costs, the numbers show that prices have gone up by 27% in the United States in the last decade, with the UK expecting a 2% increase in 2022 alone. Other countries aren’t much better off; not great for households struggling to pay bills.

There is some good news, at least. There are ways you can lower the amount of water used in your household, and they don’t involve an entire overhaul of your plumbing or cutting your showers down to 30 seconds flat.
Stop Those Leaky Taps
You may be thinking that a tiny drop every once in a while won’t add up to much. To be blunt, the truth is the exact opposite. Of course, it all depends on the tap size and how frequently it drips, but it’s very easy to lose up to 0.5 gallons per day. Spread that over a decade, and we’re talking over 2,000 gallons.
When you add that amount of water to your water bill, you’re talking at the very least $15-20 per leak. That can add up very quickly, especially if you keep ignoring the problem.
If you notice a leak, try and fix it as soon as possible. Should you notice a significant amount, call your plumber. And if it looks like your tap is beyond repair, replace it with a quality model. When picking a shower head, for example, you want to consider different models and sizes available that will perfectly complement the intended look while minimising your water use.
Your Toilet Is Not for Trash
Your toilet is not an ashtray. It’s not a wastebasket, either. Every time you do this and flush, you’re wasting several gallons of water (an average of 5-7 gallons, in fact). It’s surprising just how many people do this, and if you’re one of them, stick to traditional disposal methods.
Okay, we get it, you want to make sure your cigarette won’t cause a fire. But there’s an easier way of doing it: use an ashtray. Or quickly soak your cigarette with water before throwing it out. It’s that easy.
Go for the Dual Flush Model
Speaking of flushing as many as seven gallons per turn, it’s time to start talking about your toilet. Flushing is the biggest waste of water in the average home, by far. It accounts for almost 50% of your water usage; you do the math.
While it’s not the easiest change, think about it anyway: go for a low-flow or dual-flush toilet. These models are far more environmentally friendly and they will save your wallet unnecessary pain. And you’d be surprised by how quickly you make your money back; after just one year, the cost will be covered.
Use Your Dishwasher
You’ll absolutely love this one, as it involves doing less work. Instead of using the very inefficient manual method (i.e. you!), choose your dishwasher every single time. It’s far more efficient, and it saves you a bunch of time as well.
According to the EPA, going for modern over old school will use half as much water. That’s around 5,000 gallons saved per year. If you have a water-conserving dishwasher, even better.
Recycle Your Water
Recycling water is far easier than you think. For example, when you shower, use that cold water that runs before it finally heats up to water your plants, or to flush your toilet.
Here’s another one: place a bucket in your shower and be astonished by how much is collected.
If you want to go the whole nine yards, think about installing a grey water collection system. You can use the water from your laundry to fully irrigate your lawn, with no extra water required. Note: this isn’t legal in every county or municipality, so double-check you’re allowed to do this!
Small Changes = Big Difference
You may be thinking to yourself that some of these changes are trivial, that they’re easy, but won’t really make a dent in your water usage. So what’s the point?
Yes, while each individual tip we’ve given you may not go a long way, it’s about the aggregate effect. You may also be underestimating how much each change matters (just think about the water lost through leaky faucets!).
Our take-home tip: small changes will make a big difference over the long run, guaranteed. You’ll be saving money every month, and saving water is also great for the environment. If they’re easy, why not do them?