117/365 – Street Party at Wisteria Close!
Since we moved into our new-build house in September, another 4 families have moved into our little circle and there were a few families here before us. Over recent months, as the sun has started to shine, we have got to know our new neighbours through snatched conversations out at the front of our houses. All of our children have become firm friends, quickly making themselves at home in each other’s homes and gardens.
As the Royal Wedding approached, a seed of an idea began to hatch in my mind: holding a street party to (a) celebrate the Royal Wedding and (b) meet our neighbours properly. After speaking to a few of them, we decided this would be a fab idea, and so we set the wheels in motion.
We all clubbed together to buy food and drink, put up a couple of large gazebos to protect us from the cool wind, and, hey presto, we got the party started! I think it is fair to say that we all had a blast, everyone got on really well, the children played until the grown-ups decided it was waaaaay past their bedtimes and then the grown-ups got to party some more. We even had some meat left to freeze for a BBQ another day, and we’re definitely looking forward to it! This is what Community Spirit feels like; I think we’re going to be happy here!
118/365 – Spalding Flower Parade
The Spalding Flower Parade has been a part of history stretching back to the 1920’s and 1930’s. I moved to this area in 2002, and I’m ashamed to say that this is the first year that I have actually attended the Parade. It always falls on my Mum’s and my birthday weekend so we’ve usually been off shopping up a storm somewhere. This year as Hubby was doing some work for the day, Mum and I decided to take Little Bean and Beanie Boy to see the pretty flowers. As you’ve no doubt seen from the photos on my site over recent weeks, I have been taking the children to Spalding often to see the tulips in bloom and I thought this would be a good conclusion to our tulip journey this year.
I was amazed by how many people attended the Parade, the streets were lined with spectators for hours before the Parade was due to start. There were floats adorned with tulips, classic cars and some great dancers who I wanted to give a blanket too. Despite the sun shining there was a bitterly cold 12mph wind and seeing the barely covered bodies only served to make me feel even colder!
119/365 – Happy Birthday Mum (and me!)
Every year on 1st May we celebrate my Mum’s birthday, because it is her birthday! Fancy that! And on 3rd May it is mine, and I shall be 21 AGAIN!!! We’re always pretty lucky because we get an extended weekend thanks to the May Day Bank Holiday. This year we decided to head to Rutland Water for a family picnic and had a lovely day. The sun shone all day and even though there was some wind again my clever Hubby remembered to take our beach shelter and so we were protected. We’re all exhausted after a very busy weekend and its still not even over, here’s to another 2 days of sunshine and celebrations!