The Gallery: Portrait

Through the blogging community I have heard about a Blog called Sticky Fingers created by Tara Cain.  Part of her blog is “The Gallery” where each week she provides a “theme” and other bloggers can join in if they choose to by taking photos to suit the theme or post an old photo and write … Read more

Is that you Little One?

I’ve been experiencing some magical moments lately that I just have to share with you. For the past week, as I unwind with my book (currently diving into BREAKING DAWN – YIPPEE!!) before bedtime, I’ve started to feel these delightful sensations in my tummy. I’m convinced it’s our baby making their presence known. However, I … Read more

The speech therapist is impressed – bye bye Baby Bean, hello Little Bean!

Speech Therapist - Little Bean

I’ve got some exciting news to share! Over the past couple of weeks, something remarkable has happened in our household. Baby Bean, or should I say, our newly crowned Little Bean, has taken her first steps into the world of adult food. While her palate may not be entirely focused on fruits and veggies just … Read more