How To Protect Yourself After an Accident

Being involved in an accident is a quick and sudden event, but the repercussions can last a lifetime. In addition to injuries that can decrease your quality of life, legal and financial issues can plague you for many years. One of the best ways to protect yourself is to hire a rental car after the accident. This will ensure that you have a way to get around while your car is being repaired. Consider these recommendations to ensure you’ve protected yourself and fulfilled your post-accident obligations.

Think Clearly

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Because an accident will likely have your adrenaline pumping, it’s important to take a few deep breaths to try to centre yourself. Remaining calm can help you think straight, take the proper precautions, and minimize altercations with other parties.

Make Safety Your Priority

Do a quick check to make sure there are no severe injuries. If anyone has sustained a major injury, your first phone call should be 911.

If everyone seems fine, you should move your vehicle to the shoulder. However, if the damage is severe and driving your car isn’t possible, turn on your hazard lights and get yourself off the road and away from traffic.

Call the Police

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Next, call the police. It is obvious to call when there are injuries and severe damage, but even when the damage appears to be minimal, it’s beneficial to have a police report. As mentioned on the page, if you want to win the claim for an accident, you can use the police report for investigation, which will also protect you down the road.

Collect Information

Most people know to collect contact and insurance information from all parties involved in the collision, but did you know that you should ask witnesses for contact information? Because the people involved in the accident may not be clear on what happened or who is at fault, a neutral third party can be useful.

Take Photos

take photographs

While it may feel like a strange time to pull out your phone, you should take pictures of the accident scene when possible. Photos showing the position of the vehicles and the direction of the skid marks can be helpful if there is a disagreement later regarding who is at fault.

Call Your Insurance

While you don’t have to call your insurance directly from the accident scene, do so as soon as possible. This should be done regardless of who is at fault.

Contact an Attorney

If you incur any injuries, contact an accident attorney to represent you and ensure you get the compensation you need and deserve. Even if your injuries are minor, you should do this because you may be surprised to find that your condition is worse than expected once the shock and adrenaline have faded.

Because the impacts of an automobile accident can be so severe, it’s crucial to handle the situation carefully. By taking the proper steps, you put yourself in the best position for protecting yourself in the future.

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