Ensuring your baby is well-nourished is one of the most important things any mother will have to do. You’ll have to take a thoughtful and balanced approach to feeding your baby to make sure that they grow properly.
You want them to thrive and be in good health. This means you have to understand everything that it takes to keep them fully nourished. In this guide, you’re going to get a comprehensive look at how you can keep your baby healthy and nourished.
Breastfeeding: The Gold Standard of Infant Nutrition
Breast milk is often considered the best source of nutrition for babies. This is because it contains all the nourishment and antibodies that babies need.
It has enzymes that are going to support your baby’s growth and boost their immune system. Breastfeeding will provide your baby with the complete nutrition that they need.
This will give them the perfect balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It also gives them antibodies that help to protect them against infections and illnesses. It will also foster an emotional closeness between you and your baby.
When you’re breastfeeding, you must understand the concepts of foremilk and hindmilk. Your foremilk will be released at the beginning of a feeding session. The hindmilk will be released later and it has more calories and fats.
Make sure you are as hydrated as possible and keep your diet balanced. This is going to support your milk production.
Formula Feeding: A Reliable Alternative
You may have chosen not to breastfeed. Know that formula is a safe and nutritious alternative for your baby. Modern formulas are designed to mimic breast milk as much as possible.
The most common types are cow’s milk-based formulas and they are suitable for most babies. Soy formulas are given to babies who are lactose intolerant, and hypoallergenic formulas are also given to babies who may have allergies.
Be careful of how you prepare the formula; it must be done safely. Make sure you follow the instructions on the package and sterilize the bottles thoroughly.
Use water that is clean and sterilized. Be sure to discard any leftover formula after the feeding session so that you don’t get any bacterial growth.
Introducing Solid Foods
When your baby is about 6 months old, you should start giving them solid food alongside breast milk or formula. This milestone is very important as it’s going to give your baby all the additional nutrients they need to develop.
There are certain signs that you will notice when your baby is ready for solid foods. They may be able to sit up without needing a lot of support. Some of them may have an interest in food and start losing the tongue thrust reflex.
You should also try giving your baby fruits and vegetables. For example, sweet potatoes, bananas and carrots are a good start. If you want to give your baby a protein source you should give them things like mashed beans with lentils or some finely shredded meat.
Do not give your baby a big amount to start off with. Small amounts are great in the beginning. Don’t give them new foods too quickly; offer them new foods slowly.
This way, you can find which ones they may be allergic to. Try to stay away from honey, sugar and salt until after your baby has had their first birthday.
Hydration and Fluids
Breast milk or formula is going to keep your baby hydrated for the first 6 months. You must start to introduce small amounts of water to your baby whenever you start giving them solid foods.
When you start offering them water in a sippy cup this is going to help them to learn how to start drinking independently of you.
Try not to give your baby any juice as this usually has a lot of sugar, and it can lead to tooth decay if you’re not careful. Your baby should not have any caffeinated drinks, either.
Monitoring Growth and Nutrition
You need to make sure that you’re always tracking your baby’s growth to ensure that they get the nutrition that they need. You can do regular pediatric check ups.
This is going to give you some valuable insight into how your child is developing. Growth milestones such as how much weight they are gaining and height are some prime indicators of whether or not your baby is properly nourished.
Your pediatrician is going to help you to track all of these metrics.
You need to recognize all the signs that your baby is underfed. You can pinpoint this when you notice they are not gaining weight properly, decreased wet diapers or even excessive crying.
Overfeeding is also something that you should be on the lookout for. If you notice rapid weight gain, discomfort and frequent spit ups it may be a sign that you’re giving your baby too much food.
Special Dietary Needs
There are babies who have unique dietary needs because they have allergies, medical conditions or other intolerances. You have to make sure that you are aware of this.
If your baby is allergic to something you’re going to notice vomiting, diarrhea and rashes when you feed them certain things.
You have to make sure that you are paying attention at all times. Once you notice anything strange, go to your pediatrician so that they can give you advice about how to proceed.
It may be that you need to stop whatever food is causing the allergy.
Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits
Developing healthy eating habits for your baby can set the foundation for them to have good nutrition throughout their entire life. You can establish a feeding routine that is going to help to create consistency for your baby.
Patience is essential when you are introducing new foods to your baby as it can take multiple tries of introducing something new before they actually start liking it. You need to give them time to get used to the flavors and the textures. You can also set a good example by eating healthy in front of your baby.