Debunking 5 Parenting Myths

Since it’s essential to encourage kids’ imaginative and outdoor physical play, Comvita (the global market leader in Manuka Honey and the producer of Antimicrobial Wound Gel), Head of Science and Mum of two, Dr Jackie Evans has busted five parenting myths.

Debunking 5 Parenting Myths

The top 5 tips will help encourage parents so that kids can stay active and play outside as much as possible.

1. Dock leaves help stinging nettle stings

Myth: Stinging nettles are slightly acidic, as are dock leaves! A dock leaf contains no properties that soothe or neutralize the nettle acid. However, if you have ever felt relief from rubbing a dock leaf on nettle stings, you’re not going mad! You dislodge the nettle hairs by rubbing the dock leaf on the sting site, which can relieve the pain.

You will want to wash your skin with water and soap as soon as possible; this will eliminate the nettle hairs in the skin. After that, use a damp cloth or an ice pack to numb the irritated skin.

2. Rubbing alcohol is the best way to clean and disinfect wounds

Comvita Wound Gel

Myth: Using rubbing alcohol on injured skin may cause more harm than good. You might damage nearby tissues and cells and delay healing.

Cool running water over minor wounds such as cuts, grazes, and burns to rinse them is the best way to clean them.  To encourage healing and protect the wound as it heals, apply Medical Grade Manuka Honey, such as Comvita’s Medihoney Anitbacterial Wound Gel,

3. Only children in rural areas can play outside safely

Myth: According to the more than 27,000 parks and green spaces are located in the U.K. Evidence suggests that usage is higher among urban areas than rural ones.

Play Streets allow community members to close their streets so children can play safely. Play Street initiatives help the neighbourhood by allowing kids to play outside without fear of danger. Additionally, the initiative encourages children to be active, bring neighbours together and develop cleaner air.

4. Swimming after eating will give you bad cramps

Myth: This theory can be traced back to at least 1908 when it was revealed in a boy scout handbook. There is no evidence of it. Even though blood travels to your abdomen to facilitate digestion after a meal, it’s not a major enough quantity to stop your muscles from working. So keep swimming!

5. Being cold will give you a cold

Manuka Honey

Myth: Now that the colder months have arrived, it s time to consider how to stay healthy throughout them. Although colds are more commonly transmitted during chilly weather, this isn’t because the cold worsens the infection. Viral infections can be spread by direct skin-to-skin contact or by means of small droplets or aerosols in the air. Colds are more common in winter due to more frequent exposure to low-humidity cold environments.

Staying indoors lets you come into contact with others who could be infectious, which may raise your chances of catching a cold.

Manuka honey has strong antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities, which makes it the perfect choice for dealing with cold symptoms. Eat it right out of the spoon, or combine it with warm water and lemon for a comforting drink. You can also boost your wellness routine during the winter months ahead with a spoonful of our manuka honey every morning.


In conclusion, Comvita has shared these five Myth Busters to encourage kids’ outdoor play. They will help encourage parents so kids can stay active and play outside as much as possible. Let’s get our kids outside to play!

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