On Sunday Lillie and I had a lovely day out with my friend MumtoC and my goddaughter Miss C. It’s the first time that we have had a day out just ‘us girls’ and it was perfect. MumtoC had spotted the Fairy and Elf Door Hunt on Facebook so we booked our places and made a note on the calendar.
A girl’s day out
Fairy Wings at the ready
I wasn’t sure if Lillie would want to dress up for the day so I was pleasantly surprised when she appeared at my bedroom door adorned with her Fairy Wings – she’s still my little girl! At home the weather was threatening wind and rain so we dressed accordingly, imagine our surprise when we stepped out of the car at Jubilee Park to glorious warm sunshine and families swimming in the outdoor pool. Apparently it is heated so they weren’t totally crazy.
Jubilee Park was already very busy with Fairies, Elves and their families all waiting to start the hunt. All the pretty costumes with Jubilee Park serving as the perfect backdrops for photo shooting for kids. When booking we had to choose a time slot so that the hunt wasn’t over-run with fairies. At 1 pm we checked in where the girls received their special booklet, a pen and were invited to take a seat on the mats ready for songs and story time to begin.
Let the hunt begin
After story time we were invited to search Jubilee Park to find the Fairy and Elf doors which would be visible to those who believe for just one day. The girls got stuck straight in and eagerly searched out the doors which were hidden in trees and bushes, on pillars and posts, high and low.
The Fairy Code
Each Fairy House had a letter on which the girls had to note down so that they could de-code the secret password which they would need to visit the Fairy Queen when they had found all of the hidden Fairy doors. Even Little MissC at just 3 years old was determined that she was going to write down the letters herself. At the end the girls were given a special bottle of Magic Fairy Dust so that they can make their own wishes when they arrived home.
As well as the Fairy Door hunt there were a number of activities going on around Jubilee Park which the children could take part in from Fairy Cricket and Fairy Tennis to garden games, bouncy castles and Fairy Wand making. Lillie loved Fairy Tennis and was pretty good too.
The whole event was so well organised and the weather made it all even more perfect. We had a fabulous girly day together and the girls loved getting stuck in to all the activities.
The grounds of Jubilee Park are very pretty and well-maintained, it was the ideal backdrop for a Fairy and Elf event but they do lots of other great events throughout the year too.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an ad. We bought and paid for the tickets ourselves.
Aw this looks like lots of fun, I remember my two being utterly fascinated by a fairy door hunt somewhere in Yorkshire once.
They are magical aren’t they, especially for my 3 year old god-daughter and Lillie was so good with her x
Just wanted to say that all the volunteers and staff at Jubilee Park really appreciate your lovely comments on this event and seeing this has really made us all smile.
Kind regards
Jubilee Park Manager
You are very welcome Joe, you should all feel very proud for putting on a wonderful day and making it special for so many little people and their families. Keep up the good work 🙂
We went to this. It was such a lovely day and We couldn’t believe the weather either!
It was great wasn’t it, I shall definitely be looking out to see what other events are coming to Jubilee Park.