The Bumbo seat has always been a great product but now it’s even better. When Little Bean was a baby we bought a seat similar to the Bumbo but slightly different and extremely rubbish, so rubbish I can’t remember the name and I have never seen one like it since. When Beanie Boy was a baby we bought him a Bumbo seat and we loved it, apart from one thing – he was such a wriggler he would arch his back and push his legs up and over the front of the seat so that he could roll himself out of the seat. It was so frustrating because the seat was perfect for weaning before moving him into a highchair. It was a handy seat that I could move around the house with me wherever I went so that he didn’t have to lay on the floor and get fed up of being laid on the floor. It was also perfect for Beanie Boy’s reflux as it allowed his feeds to digest well and reduce his projectile vomiting! When we didn’t think we would be having any more babies we sold his Bumbo and instantly regretted it when we discovered we were expecting Jelly Bean.
A few weeks ago I was asked if I would like to review a Bumbo seat with a cover and play tray – perfect timing! When the seat arrived and I pulled it out of the box the first thing I noticed were the straps and a smile instantly spread across my face. I knew that I was going to LOVE this product! The addition of a seat cover just adds to the perfection too because it makes the seat slightly less slippery if you have a baby who fidgets a lot, it also gives the seat a different look as well as keeping the seat pristine underneath. We never had a play tray for Beanie Boy’s Bumbo so this was our first experience and it is great. I struggled a little when I removed the play tray from the box to attach the top of the tray to the stand but we managed to click it together with a little brute force and ignorance. Adding the play tray to the seat is just a case of slotting the top of the tray over the central leg post and then sliding the base underneath the front of the seat. The play tray is ideal for bringing toys closer to baby or food when weaning.
The Bumbo is the perfect baby accessory for playtime and feeding time, it’s also a great size to take with you when away from home. Over the summer holidays I saw Bumbo’s regularly during picnics. Before this Bumbo arrived I had borrowed my cousin’s daughter’s Bumbo as I was desperate to start weaning Jelly Bean and we also found it was the perfect seat for our family film nights, now everyone has their own seat!
DISCLAIMER: We were sent the Bumbo seat, cover and play tray free of charge for the purpose of this post. All words, opinions and images are my own and may not be copied without my permission. I have not been instructed what to write.