We are now 4 days into weaning with Beanie Boy and, shhhh don’t tell anyone, but it’s going pretty well! I started off on days 1 and 2 just giving him half a teaspoon of baby rice mixed with breastmilk in a very runny consistency so it slipped down well. The first couple of times that we tried him with the spoon he spat it back out but then Hubby found if you left the spoon slightly in his mouth he “drank” off the spoon and nothing came back out, its still working!
On days 3 and 4 I’ve made his baby rice with two teaspoons of baby rice mixed with breastmilk but in a much thicker consistency and he can’t seem to get enough of it. He gets so excited I have to wedge his bouncer with my legs otherwise its like trying to hit a moving target because he bounces so much. And I’m not quite sure why, but as I approach with with the spoon he dives to the side as if trying to roll over then grabs my hand and pulls the spoon to his mouth? To start with I thought he was trying to avoid the spoon but when I stopped going back to him with it he threw a wobbler?
Tonight I have cooked up a storm of root vegetables and they have all been pureed and frozen ready to try some new flavours over the next few days. I really hope they will be as well received as the baby rice?
Watch this space . . . . .
So proud of the Little Man and of you for making such great progress! Go Beanie Boy! 😉
BLW, here you come!
Thank you – I can’t begin to explain how nice this is for me after such a bad weaning experience last time! 🙂