Bicycles as the Primary Mode of Transportation: What You Should Know

Bicycles have been around for centuries, but recently, they have gained immense popularity as a primary mode of transportation. With the increasing concerns about pollution and rising gas prices, more and more people are opting to ditch their cars and hop on a bicycle instead.

As enjoyable and eco-friendly as cycling can be when it comes to travel, it’s important to understand the potential risks associated with it. 

Bicyclists are prone to accidents, either due to distracted motorists or road elements like sewer grates. It is during situations like this that the top bicycle accident attorneys come in handy. Their assistance is crucial to getting fair compensation.

Let’s find out what you should know about bicycles if you plan to use them as a primary mode of transportation.

The first bicycle is believed to have been invented in 1817 by Karl Drais, a German baron. It was called the “running machine” and did not have pedals. Over time, different styles and designs were introduced, leading to the modern-day bicycle that we know and love.

There are countless benefits to using bicycles as a primary mode of transportation. Here are just a few:

  • Eco-friendly: Cycling does not emit harmful pollutants into the air, making it an environmentally friendly option for transportation.
  • Affordable: Unlike cars, bicycles do not require gas or maintenance costs, making them a more budget-friendly choice.
  • Healthy: Cycling is a great form of exercise and can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and help with weight loss.
  • Convenient: With bicycles, you don’t have to worry about traffic or finding parking spots. You may go through congested streets with ease and get to your destination more quickly.

While bicycles offer numerous benefits, it’s crucial to take the necessary safety precautions. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Wear a helmet: Putting on a helmet that fits properly is essential in case of an accident.
  • Follow traffic rules: Since bicycles are vehicles, they must adhere to the same traffic laws as cars. Yield to pedestrians, stop at red lights, and give a signal before turning.
  • Stay visible: Make sure you have reflective gear or lights on your bicycle so that other drivers can see you at night.

Unfortunately, despite taking all precautionary measures, accidents can still happen. Statistics have it that over 45,000 cyclists were injured in traffic accidents in the United States in 2015 alone. With such numbers, there’s a need for extra caution when cycling on busy roads. You must be informed of all your legal rights if you’re involved in a bicycle accident.

Make sure you get medical help and report the incident to the authorities in the event of an accident. To help you through the legal system and make sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to, it is also imperative that you reach out to an experienced bicycle accident lawyer.

Not only are bicycles a great form of transportation, but they are also good for the environment and our health. But when riding a bicycle on a busy road, it’s important to be aware of the possible hazards and adopt the appropriate safety measures.

Always prioritize safety, abide by the law, and don’t be afraid to seek legal advice when an accident occurs. Cycling may be a fun and safe form of transportation for everyone if the proper information and safety measures are taken.

Happy cycling!

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