How to Make Christmas Celebration a Bit Different This Year

The goal of every Christmas is to make it as memorable as possible. Although it can be easy to follow tradition so that you know how to plan accordingly, doing the same traditions can start to become boring after a while. Instead of settling for the same Christmas season every year, here are some interesting ways that you can spice up the holiday and celebrate it in a different manner.

It may be cold out, but you’ll definitely make some memories if you consider going to a Christmas parade. There’ll be floats, color changing christmas lights, carols, Christmas characters dancing around, and possibly hot chocolate stands for you to get warm. It’s a fun time for everyone, from children to adults and even grandparents, and it creates an excellent photo opportunity to create some memories you’ll remember forever.

You can do this with family members, your children’s classmates, or extended friends to create a fun moment. If you’ve never done a Secret Santa before, everyone secretly gets the name of someone else to get presents for. Usually, a budget is given for everyone to adhere to so that no one is getting a super-expensive present. Then, when it comes time to exchange presents, you can pull a name out of a hat to see who goes first. To make it even more fun, you can gather the presents together, and the receiver has to guess who bought them the present.

Saint Nicholas Day is actually a Dutch tradition, where they celebrate Sinterklass on December 5. On the 4th, children leave their shoes in front of the fireplace and place carrots inside them. This is to feed Sinterklaas’ horses. In exchange, the children will find a small gift or poem in their shoes the next morning.

What better time to give to those who are less fortunate than Christmas? Even for just a few hours, you can teach your children the true meaning of the Christmas spirit by giving instead of always receiving. You can make someone’s day just a little better, and you’ll feel more appreciative of all you already have.

Why not attend your local skating rink and take your family out for a few laps? Whether you’re a seasoned skater or it’s your first time, you can all learn together and see what you’re all capable of on the ice. Put on your thick winter clothes, rent some skates, and warm up at the end of the day with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Don’t think too much about how much exercise you just got.

Creating new Christmas traditions can feel like a risk because you’re not sure if everyone’s going to be on board. However, with just a little ingenuity and being open-minded, you and your family can start creating new Christmas memories every year so that it always feels different. You can even take suggestions on what your family wants to do next year!

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