5 Spiritual Lessons Every Parent Should Pass On To Their Children

Parenting is a rewarding journey but can leave you overwhelmed in several ways. You may think that providing for your kids financially is the most challenging part of the parental role. But the truth is that it is only the tip of the iceberg. Fostering emotional growth is a far bigger goal for parents. When it comes to raising emotionally healthy kids, you cannot overlook the value of spirituality. Believing in God can make your child a better person, so it is vital to impart spiritual education as a parent. But you need to pick your lessons wisely to make the right impact. Here are the best ones every parent should pass on to their children.

Spiritual Lessons

Lesson #1- Always trust God

The first lesson to pass on to your kids is to trust God, no matter what. Trust makes one feel safe, and the feeling translates into physical and emotional well-being. The best way to inculcate relentless trust in God is by doing it yourself. Surrender yourself in challenging situations and rely on divine guidance. Remember to let your kids see you doing so, as it inspires them to do the same. 

Lesson #2- Gratitude takes you a step closer to happiness

Gratitude makes you a happier person and opens the road to abundance. Explain how gratitude can help your children make the most out of life. The more grateful you are, the greater your ability to receive. But children may not understand their many blessings, so you must help them do it by introducing them to writing a gratitude journal. Embrace it as a daily ritual for the family, and ensure everyone writes and talks about one thing they are grateful for daily.

Lesson #3- Believe in miracles

Spiritual lessons

Perhaps the easiest spiritual lesson to teach your kids is to believe in miracles. Remember that miracles do happen, and you must embrace the belief yourself in the first place. Reading and narrating miracle stories is inspiring for parents and children. Pick a bedtime Bible reading session to strengthen the belief every day. Knowing that things will work out eventually nurtures the faith and spiritual strength in the little ones.

Lesson #4- Everyone can make a difference

Spiritual growth goes beyond becoming a happier person yourself. It is also about making others happy. Tell your children that everyone can make a difference, regardless of age and financial status. Explain the significance of sharing and encourage them to donate their toys, books, and clothes. Suggest little things they can do to help others, such as carrying a neighbour’s bags and helping a younger sibling with studies. 

Lesson #5- Make time for things that matter

Life is fast and stressful, and it is not easy to stop and reflect. But parents must do their bit to make time for things that matter. Spending quality time with family, praying, volunteering for a good cause, and helping a neighbour are some things that boost your spirit. Even watching the flowers and hearing the birdsong can provide immense bliss. When your kids see you making time for these things, they follow suit today and later in life.

Supporting your child’s spiritual growth should be a priority for parents. Start by teaching them these spiritual lessons, and they will pick the rest themselves.

5 Spiritual Lessons Every Parent Should Pass On To Their Children 1

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