Getting the lowdown on colds with Olbas Oil


A few weeks ago I was approached to co-host a blog event in Peterborough with renowned media medic Dr Roger Henderson in partnership with Olbas Oil. It was an absolute pleasure to be able to invite some of my favourite local (and not-so-local) bloggers and it couldn’t have gone better (not forgetting that I had … Read more

WIN Stay Safe with Thomas Story Books #staysafewiththomas

Stay safe with Thomas book front cover

Network Rail partners with Thomas & FriendsTM to teach children railway safety Network Rail has teamed up with the world’s most famous blue engine and pre-schooler favourite, Thomas the Tank EngineTM, to help children learn how to be safe when using the railway. Stay Safe with Thomas The Stay Safe with Thomas storybook sees the mischievous Thomas having … Read more

Do you have any #VicksTricks to combat the family colds?


Eurgh Winter! On the one hand I love it when we get to close the curtains early and snuggle in for the night but with that comes dreaded cold and lurgy that go round and round and round. As a family of six with children at three separate schools and Hubby at work, we catch … Read more

Beanie Boy’s first bug!

Yesterday, my adorable little man turned 7 weeks old! Time seems to be flying by – can you believe it? It’s hard to grasp that next week, he’ll be 8 weeks old and due for his first vaccinations. These milestones are bittersweet; they remind us how quickly our little ones grow. However, yesterday was not … Read more