Why is there still a gender imbalance in sport?

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There can be little doubt about it; regardless of raging debates, hundreds of columns dedicated to the matter, and the social media frenzy that follows almost every recorded instance, there is still a huge gender imbalance in the world of sport. We were collectively outraged more than once during the Rio Olympics as female athletes … Read more

Jelly Bean’s First Sports Day

Sports Day

This morning was the last of our little family’s ‘firsts’ when it comes to Preschool Sports Days as Jelly Bean took part in his preschool sports day. For the past year he has been attending the same preschool that his big sister and brother attended before him but from September he will be moving to … Read more

Why Parents Should encourage their Children to Take up New Sports


In a time of tablets, the internet and video games, it can be difficult to persuade your children to get outdoors and get some fresh air and exercise. Many children now spend hours on end looking at some kind of screen, and this is not good for their development and health. This is why they … Read more