How Travelling Can Help You Improve Your Health?

Travel makes you happy – there’s no rocket science behind it. You feel relaxed from the work burden, tension-free from the family responsibilities, and peaceful within when you travel. During any stressful times, you might have observed that a trip taken even to the nearest corner might have alleviated emotional weight from your chest. 

How Travelling Can Help You Improve Your Health?
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While talking about daily-life stress, cortisol is the chief stress hormone in the human body responsible for it. Though the good news is there are a few natural ways to suppress cortisol and boost endorphins. Travel can help you laugh more and feel happy inside, and thus, produce more endorphins than cortisol hormones. Don’t you agree that everyone should travel more often if killing stress were this easy?

How Travelling Can Help You Improve Your Health?

To clear the clutter, we have jotted down five convincing reasons for how travelling can help you improve your health in this piece. Read along! 

1. Travel Takes Away Stress And Alleviates Depression

Travel for health
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How do you feel when sitting on a beach and sipping your favourite cocktail? What is the aftereffect of conquering mountains with unknown fellow hikers? You can also Learn more about the benefits of cbc oil, the act of wandering also takes away all your stress in a pinch. Many times, the happy feeling of a trip stays for a longer time (five weeks, two months, or maybe for a lifetime!) and doesn’t let you stress for some time after returning. 

A study undertaken in 2018 confirms that a trip of four days can decrease stress for five following weeks after the trip. Besides relieving stress, travelling is the best antidepressant activity. Everything from meeting new people and interacting with them, feeling the freedom, inventing new possibilities, planning the itinerary, to being with nature, travelling can positively impact your mental health.

2. Going on a Vacation is Good For Your Heart Health 

We can back this travel benefit with a 2019 study. Researchers studied 63 working professionals eligible for paid vacation for twelve months. The report of the research got published in the Psychology & Health journal in 2019. 

According to it, those workers who took more days off for vacations were found with fewer metabolic syndrome instances or symptoms than those who did not go on holidays in the past twelve months. The study authors concluded research by writing that “Overall, vacations are experienced as positive events.” Hence, travelling improves human heart health for sure. 

3. Being With Nature Improves Quality of Life 

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Did you know that being with nature can keep your lungs just fine and breathing tip-top? Well, here’s the proof. Spending at least 120 minutes a week with nature can directly impact your health and well-being positively, says American Public Gardens Association. Also, parks, woodlands, and beaches are the best natural places to be while travelling for the greater good of yourself. 

You feel calm with nature. Moreover, living in greens means fewer cardiovascular disease, mental distress, obesity, diabetes, & asthma issues. And the exciting thing is, these benefits not only come when you stay with nature, but you can also reap them by visiting maximum green spaces during your trip.

4. Seeing The World Can Make You More Productive And Creative 

Europeans have a reputation for taking super long vacations. Would you trust their word if they say holidays can make you more productive than you are? A 2016 research report published in CNBC confirmed that workers who took eleven or more vacation days were more likely to receive a bonus or raise in the previous three years than those who took holidays for ten or fewer days. 

Besides enhancing productivity, travelling is responsible for boosting creativity, too. Research published in American Psychological Association reveals that people who spend more time abroad show more creative traits. When we travel, we expose ourselves to new experiences, new people, and new opportunities. The brain’s cognition gets a boost while travelling, and in turn, our productivity and creativity excel.

5. Doing Adventures Can Bring Your Body Back Into Shape 

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Perhaps, it entirely depends on the nature of your trip. If you’re thinking of crashing a five-star resort and eating a king’s meal thrice a day, it won’t be really applicable here. Nevertheless, travel is an excellent opportunity to skyrocket physical fitness. That’s because you will cover more footsteps than sitting idle for eight hours in the office chair for sure. 

A few travellers even say that while travelling Europe or Disneyland, one might accomplish 30,000 to 40,000 steps in a day! Plus, when you go hiking, trekking, scuba diving, snorkelling, or swimming, that’s like a cherry on the cupcake to your fitness. That said, travelling improves both mental and physical health in more than one way. 


No wonder travel has the potential to take you out of your everyday hassles and expose you to new surroundings where you can reset your mind and unwind for a while. The unexpected experiences you have on a trip can make you strong both physically and mentally. The pleasurable moments always stay in your heart, and the unpleasant moments teach you something in life. That’s why travel improves your body, mind, and soul inside out. 

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