Turn Your Home From Chaos To Calm With These Organizing Ideas

A chaotic home is never a place you want to spend a lot of time. Your home should be a place of calm, zen, and peace. With clutter and a lack of organization, your home can feel claustrophobic and unhappy. 

You can transform your home from cluttered to organized and chaotic to calm with these amazing organization ideas. Anyone can use this guide, whether you have a big or small, rented or bought home. Enjoy!

Turn Your Home From Chaos To Calm With These Organizing Ideas 1

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova

The first port of call for calming your home is decluttering. If paperwork is bursting out of cupboards and pans fall out of the cupboard every time you cook, this is a sign that your home needs serious decluttering. 

Decluttering can be a mammoth task, especially if you are new to it. The best thing you can do is start small – with one room and drawer at a time – and slowly work your way around your home. If you want it to be fun, try to rope family and friends into the task. They might even encourage you to get rid of more, resulting in a more orderly home.

While decluttering, put things into piles. You can start with things you want to get rid of – these can go to charity shops, friends, family, or the bin. Then, start a pile that you want to keep but need another home for. Lastly, have a pile of things you want to keep. With neat and organized piles, you can restore your home with organized stacks of belongings.

Once you have decluttered, you will want to do something with your ‘keep but need another home for’ pile. 

The best solution for things you want to keep hold of (due to sentimental value or ‘in case you might need it’) is to use external secure storage units. You will be able to fill up a storage space away from your home that will house your goods until you need them.

An expert approach to keeping a serene home is to stay on top of what you have achieved. 

If you spend time decluttering and organizing your belongings to mess the house up again, what’s the point? The more organized you become, the easier it will be to maintain a calm home. 

You don’t need to tackle the home organization task alone. Homes get messy; it’s part of life. If you want to keep things orderly, you will need others to step in.

Asking your children to put things back to where they found them will help them practice tidiness. Then, ask your children or partner to help with decluttering and cleaning sessions. The more you can stay on top of your home, the calmer it will become. More consistent organizing and tidying will help you keep a healthy routine. A healthy routine will equate to a calm home, so you can say good riddance to chaos. 

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