Among the top reasons for creating your blog, growing your audience is surely one of them. Having a huge following is likely to generate more traffic to your website, increasing your market share and revenue. With over 4.6 billion people looking for information on the internet every day, the best way to win readers is by writing about the hottest topics.
Top 8 Blogging Topics That Will Drive Traffic to Your Website

However, most bloggers always find it hard to create a blog with a niche topic that can appeal to users in a new and interesting way. If you are in this brainstorming stage, hunting for original blog post topics, this article will provide you with the top eight blogging topics that will drive traffic to your website.
People love to read how-to-guides and share them with their friends. These blogs do not only provide your readers with incredible information but also act as lead generators for you.
How-to guides usually take something very specific and walk readers through all of its steps. For example, you can write about how to build a business from scratch or make macarons. Whatever headline you choose, make sure you provide accurate and comprehensive information.
If you’re targeting an audience that knows nothing about your subject, start with defining your product or service. However, if your readers already know about your product or service, then diving straight into your guide will work better.
Health and Fitness

Eighty per cent of internet users search for health information, according to the Sage Journals. If you’re passionate about your own physical well-being, it makes sense to pursue a career where you can share your insights with others.
Create a blog and share your training techniques or nutrition strategies. Talk about how each exercise or meal will improve your readers’ health.
Health and fitness blogging is so popular that many bloggers in this niche have left their jobs to work as full-time writers. Once you amass a large following, you can monetize your site or even sell workout items, such as yoga mats or jump ropes.
Half of the online shoppers start their journey by reading at least four product reviews. If you love a product or service, you can help others by giving them more information about it. When writing product reviews, it is important to share your honest thoughts and opinions.
To make your reviews attractive, include visuals of the product or service you are writing about. However, do not review products or services you have never used. Fake reviews will make your audience lose trust and stop following you.
Exceptional reviews from blogs can help you network with manufacturers who can partner with you through affiliate marketing. They can also be a great way to get free samples of products sent your way, as well as build your social media following.
Breaking News

Newsjacking is a way to piggyback off of trending stories and get exposure for your brand. The only time you should consider breaking news coverage is if it’s something that relates directly to your niche.
While it can be difficult to cover them in a thoughtful, interesting way, breaking news can be one of your best marketing tactics if done correctly. Make sure you take your time to cover all aspects of the story quickly and accurately before publishing your story. The content you write should also follow ethical guidelines, especially if it’s related to health or politics.
Travel Blogs
Readers who are interested in travelling love getting insider tips about destinations and being able to vicariously live through someone else’s adventures. Create ultimate travel blogs showing your audience how far they can take their wanderlust.
Travel blogs give tips on where to stay, what to do, and where to go. They also cover trending destinations, expos, and everything travel-related.
Blogging about destinations can be great, especially if you run a B&B or hotel. Many travellers often look for this information online when they arrive in new places.
Troubleshooting Tips

Answer questions that readers may not know they need to ask. For example, if you write about technology, it’s a good idea to share tips on how to troubleshoot problems with gadgets.
Offer practical advice that allows people to continue using their devices without paying for repair or buying new ones. If your readers find your tips successful, they will trust you, making your blog stand out from competitors.
Beauty and Fashion
It’s no secret that a large majority of women and men love beauty and fashion tips. How-to posts for makeup, hair, and skincare are some of the most popular types of blogs out there.
If you have a good eye for beauty or know a thing or two about fashion, why not create your own fashion blog? With enough traffic, you could even make money on sponsorships and affiliate links.

Sports blogs have something for everyone with lots of topics to cover. You can write detailed and thought-provoking pieces about player transactions and game strategy or passionate arguments about who is on top in a given league. For many sports fans, there’s even an emotional connection to their favourite team that can win a loyal audience.
Parting Shot
The web is a much bigger place than it was when blogging started, but that’s what makes niche blogs so exciting. If you can find your speciality, you can become an authority and make a name for yourself. A little research and hard work will go a long way toward making your dream of growing your traffic come true.