Sadly mental health is STILL something which has a stigma attached to it. So when I came across this useful infographic created through mental health research I wanted to share it with my readers. As a parent of young children, I worry about their future and how the path of their lives will shape them. Obviously I hope that they will grow up to be strong, happy and independent people not afraid to stand up for themselves and what they believe in. I hope that they will not suffer from anxiety, depression or any of the myriad of issues which could affect them. But the scary truth is that it very easily could be any of my children.
Little Bean still suffers with anxiety around her eating and of course Jelly Bean has major anxiety surrounding his #problemswithpoop. I am hoping that in time and with the right support from the family and medical practitioners we will be able to help them to overcome their anxieties but only time will tell.
In hospital last week with Jelly Bean I bore witness to the damaging effects on families affected by young people with mental health issues. In the space of the few days that we were in hospital one teenage girl was placed on our ward after attempted suicide and another for self-harm.
Take a read of the infographic below and please, please do share with your friends and family too, mental illness isn’t something to be ashamed of and we can only overcome that if we all stick together and show our support. It’s REAL!
I know this too well, I have suffered with depression since I was 14 and anxiety from really young but I just had to deal with it, I thought I just wasn’t normal. I have now been diagnosed with bipolar, that was in my 20’s I am now 32.
My daughter is 10 and I am really really worried about her, she gets anxious about EVERYTHING it stops her from doing things and more recently she is crying all the time sometimes over nothing in particular
it’s a tough time
I am very sorry to hear that Laura, it must be very difficult for you to care for yourself, let alone your worries about your daughter too. Do you have a good support network around you? I am currently looking into Emotional Freedom Therapy for my youngest son’s issues around his fear of pooping. If that works for him then I shall definitely talk to my daughter about whether she might like to try too. I hope you find some help around you xxx
I am planning a visit to the doctors, see if I can get some help for her even if it is someone to talk to. I know I struggled to get mental health taken seriously but hopefully it will go ok with my daughter. she is very sensitive. good luck with the emotional freedom therapy I hope it works for you son.
I hope they do take you seriously and offer some help to you. Perhaps also consider the Senco at your daughter’s school as they may be able to help and provide support at school. Thank you xx