Tips on How to Keep Appliances from Breaking down and Maintain Them Properly


Everyone uses appliances daily. These include refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers, garbage disposal systems, washers and dryers. High usage invariably results in a greater strain on these appliances. If these appliances are not operating at maximum efficiency, this could be harmful to the appliance and your family. With a full house, you know that the fridge doors … Read more

Making your kitchen a family zone

Bi-fold doors

Summer means one thing for families – the school summer holidays. Six whole weeks of entertaining your children. As family spaces change and we embrace open-plan living, we are tending to spend more time together in one room, and that room is often a multi-purpose kitchen/dining/living room, preferably with access straight on to the garden. … Read more

Simple Ways to Update Your Kitchen and Add Value to your Home


In recent years, the kitchen has become the heart of the modern family home. It’s where we eat, watch television, entertain family and friends, work and watch children play. So, if you’re looking to sell your home or improve one room in your house, it’s worth investing in the kitchen. In fact, research from consumer … Read more

Brits are wasting money on their out of date household appliances

Home Appliances

MORE THAN half of Brits are risking higher energy bills as a result of not replacing appliances when they need to, according to new research.

A survey of homeowners carried out by leading household appliances retailer,, as part of its Power On: The Evolution of Appliances report, revealed 66% do not know when appliances should be replaced.